United States or Montserrat ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I think red was the mourning color of the period. But black seems to me right like the character, like the situation." "Would you put the dresses on?" said Henry gravely. At that minute Walter Lacy came up, that very Walter Lacy who had been with Charles Kean when I was a child, and who now acted as adviser to Henry Irving in his Shakespearean productions. "Ah, here's Lacy.

Pyecroft, a bit blankly. "Yes, and it's some problem, you bet. Here's a house that is supposed to be empty. And within this empty house are five adults. Do you get me?" "Isn't it terrible!" cried Mary. "Five adults," repeated Jack. "How are we going to get food in here for them without exciting suspicion?" "As you say," mused Mr. Pyecroft with a wry face, "that is certainly some problem.

"Also," added Josie, "he would be able to give the German Master Spy full information concerning the projectile, and so reap another reward. But all his diabolical schemes were frustrated by Joe Langley's bullet." "Well, here's the desk," said Chief Farnum, "but where are those important papers, Miss O'Gorman?" "And what do they prove?" added Crissey.

Geoffrey, who had filled a tin dipper, said: "Here's my best thanks for the way you have backed me, boys. Since they carried the railroad across Beaver Creek, few men in the province have grappled as you have with a task like this; but it's sometimes just possible to go a little better than what looks like one's best, and I'm asking as a favor from all of you that you will redouble your efforts.

'Ah, says he, 'you can go ashore, if you like, and stay, he says; 'but as for the ship, she'll beat up for more, by thunder! That's what he said. "Well, I was in another ship three years back, and we sighted this island. 'Boys, said I, 'here's Flint's treasure; let's land and find it. The cap'n was displeased at that, but my messmates were all of a mind and landed.

Sivert himself is all taken aback; first of all it was a surprise to see Jensine again, and now here's Eleseus going to leave the place altogether, not to say the world. "What about Storborg?" says he. "What'll you do with it?" "Andresen can have it," says Sivert. "Andresen have it? How d'you mean?" "Isn't he going to have Leopoldine?" "Don't know about that. Ay; perhaps he is."

Never had the swish of a woman's skirt sounded so sweet to her before. "Here's Dolly Montressor," she interrupted, "coming up to speak to us." The Sporting Club seemed to fill up that afternoon almost as soon as the doors were opened. At half-past four, people were standing two or three deep around the roulette tables.

Excellent, Mr Herrick; ease her a little, ease her. We must have a reef in that sail. All left behind, then; no pursuit?" and he looked astern as our boat rushed through the water, and then he frowned, for one of the men said "Yes, sir; here's one on 'em from the shore coming arter us full sail, and she's going as fast as we."

We might have been utterly crushed but for our proud and pampered stomachs, which in turn gave the bone, brain and brawn for the conquests of peace. So here's to our Mammys God bless them! God rest them! This imperfect chronicle of the nurture wherewith they fed us is inscribed with love to their memory. Almost my earliest memory is of Mammy's kitchen.

"Glad to see you," he said briefly. "Getting on?" pursued Krafft. "Fine." "Here's a new kind of tobacco I want you to try. I should value your opinion." Keith's hand wandered toward his pocket, but stopped at a sharp look from Krafft. After a moment's chat they withdrew. "What a pathetic old figure! What utter misery!" cried Keith. "No!" said Krafft positively. "There you are wrong.