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'Servants all going to the devil in this country, said he at last; 'proud fools won't clean rooms after black people, I suppose yes, that's it, confound them all, black and white! here's my whole establishment upset by the arrival of a baby. Well, it is very uncomfortable what shall I do? send for sister Moggy? no, I'll send for Jonathan. Mr.

"He was hanged that left his drink behind, you know, master," rejoined Sheppard. "Here's King James the Third, and confusion to his enemies!" "Very well," said the carpenter, sitting down amid the laughter of the company. "Jack!" cried Thames, in a loud voice, "you deserve to be hanged for a rebel as you are to your lawful king and your lawful master.

I don't half the time make enough to live on. If it wasn't for the Newsboys' Lodgin' House, I don't know what I'd do. I need a new brush and box of blacking, but I aint got money enough to buy one." "Then, Johnny, I'll help you this once. Here's fifty cents; I'll give it to you. Now, if you're smart you can make a dollar a day easy, and save up part of it.

So put it on, Mr Chucks; you'll make a good mark for the enemy." "That I will stand the risk of with pleasure," observed the boatswain to me, "for the sake of being considered a gentleman. So here's on with it." There was a general laugh when Mr Chucks pulled on the captain's jacket, and sank down in the stern-sheets of the cutter, with great complacency of countenance.

"Here, boy here's sixpence for you: you may be off. We've done enough for to-day, and may go home to Bellevue street." But it seems to Bertie Lisle, as he picks up his roll of music and comes down the aisle, that Bellevue street too is only a joke now. April had come, and the best of the year was beginning with a yellow dawn of daffodils.

At the end of this last corridor my companion pushed open a door. "'Here's the "Doc," I heard him say. "I looked into a room about as big as this we sit in. It was filled with men, most of them on the floor with their backs to the wall. There was a cot in one corner, and a pine table on which stood a cheap kerosene lamp, and one or two chairs.

"And here's a great looking-glass," continued the woodman, setting one up against the outside of the cottage, for it would not go in the door. So they went on handing down the things, and it took nearly the whole afternoon to empty the wagon.

Here's Sir Gilbert Carstairs in my room yonder. He's wanting a steward somebody that can keep accounts, and letters, and look after the estate, and he's been looking round for a likely man, and he's heard that Lindsey's clerk, Hugh Moneylaws, is just the sort he wants and, in short, the job's yours, if you like to take it. And, my lad, it's worth five hundred a year and a permanency, too!

"It's some sandwiches, my dear," she called to Amelia. "You may be hungry, you know; ... and Becky Becky Sharp here's a book for you, that my sister that is, I Johnson's Dixonary, you know; ... you mustn't leave us without that! Good-bye! Drive on, coachman! God bless you!" And the kind creature retreated into the garden, overcome with emotion.

"Here's a trunk, Miss Dodge, with your name on it," he went on dragging it down. "I found it down by the railroad track." It was the trunk marked "E. Dodge" which had been thrown off the train, taken by Del Mar and rifled by the motor-cyclist. "How do you suppose it ever got here?" cried Elaine in wonder. "Must have fallen off the train," I suggested.