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Daniel felt it; and hence he said, without hesitating any longer, but looking stealthily at Henrietta's face, "Since that is so, I will not conceal from you that the Countess Sarah has written me a dozen letters of at least extraordinary nature." "You have kept them, I hope?" "Yes; they are all in one of my trunks." Papa Ravinet was evidently much embarrassed; but at last he said,

When she saw what she had done, and found herself virtually alone with Trefusis, who had followed her, she blamed him for it, and was about to retrace her steps when he said coolly: "Were you shocked when you heard of Henrietta's sudden death?" Agatha struggled with herself for a moment, and then said in a suppressed voice: "How dare you speak to me?" "Why not?" said he, astonished.

They saved the poor count; but they revealed, at the same time, such prodigious unfitness for business, that people began to suspect how dependent he must have been on his first wife, Henrietta's mother. He remained, however, relatively poor.

They constituted an obligation towards this woman who did not sufficiently appreciate her, who met that man secretly, in a wood, who was beautiful with a far-off kind of beauty, like that of the stars. And while these angry thoughts passed through Henrietta's mind, Rose's tender expression had developed into a smile, and she asked, 'Did you have a nice walk? Henrietta gulped.

This reply, commonplace enough, might have passed unnoticed had there not been a note of tragedy in her deep contralto voice. "Why, what's the matter?" I asked. "Don't you know?" she demanded, scowling at Henrietta's silly, vacant "tee-hee." "Know? Know what?" I asked. "That I'm a grass-widow." "A grass-widow!"

There is an anxiety among us just now to have letters from Jamaica from my dear dear Bro but the packet is only 'expected. The last accounts were comforting ones; and I am living on the hope of seeing him back again in the spring. Stormie and Georgie are doing well at Glasgow. So Dr. Wardlaw says.... Henrietta's particular love to you; and do believe me always, Your affectionate E.B. BARRETT.

Rotten fellow the husband, it appears, and no heir to the throne, or principality, or whatever it is so when I have had a talk with Hubert Henrietta's brother, you know the one in the Diplomatic Service, it will be easy to locate her gathered Paul doesn't know himself." "Pretty romance, anyway. And what will you do with the boy now, Charles?"

"And you look so exquisitely charming to-day " And then there came a ripping sound. The two women started to draw away from each other; five of the crescents catching in the rope, in the impulsive jerking back of Mrs. Gushington-Andrews in order that she might gaze into Henrietta's eyes, cut through the marvellous cords of the exquisite jewels.

Raoul's friend, the Comte de Guiche, is the next to succumb to Henrietta's charms, and Monsieur obtains his exile as well, though De Guiche soon effects a reconciliation. But then the king's eye falls on Madame Henrietta during the comte's absence, and this time Monsieur's jealousy has no recourse.

Henrietta's prompt despatch to Croridge to fetch the babes, her journey down out of a sick-room to stop Chillon's visit to London, proved her an awakened woman, well paid for the stain on her face, though the stain were lasting. Never had she loved Henrietta, never shown her so much love, as on the road to the deepening colours of the West.