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And there's Miss Thorley, the enchanted princess, who's painting my picture for Mr. Bingham Henderson's jam to tell people how good it is. She gave me some once, apricot. We only had strawberry and raspberry and plum and grape and apple butter in Mifflin. I used to stir the apple butter for Lena. You have to stir it all the time or it burns.

'I fear there is hardly any one, said Mr. Henderson. 'All seem even to me new people. Stay, do you recollect old Mrs. Golding? After a little confusion, Mr. Henderson's old Mrs. Golding proved to be Mrs. Frost's young Mrs.

Miss Henderson's a good head-piece of her own." "And some money, I suppose?" "Well, that's not my look out, is it, so long as I gits my wages? I dessay Colonel Shepherd, ee sees to that. Well, good-day to you. I'm goin' in to get summat to drink. It's a dryin' wind to-day, and a good bit walk from Ipscombe." "Is that where you live?" "Aye an' Miss Henderson's place is just t'other side.

A question asked, and enthusiastically answered in the affirmative, over the telephone that morning, therefore, had speedily completed arrangements, and she had agreed to be at her friend's door by twelve o'clock, or before. As it happened, business did not take quite so long as she had expected, and half-past eleven found her well on her way to Miss Henderson's home.

Robert Moray, it had fallen to him, as a person much in his Majesty's confidence, to receive each letter of the King's as it was written in his own royal hand, and make the copy of it which was to be given to Henderson, and also, Henderson's hand being none of the most legible, to transcribe Henderson's replies for the King's easier perusal; and with his Majesty's permission he had "kept Mr.

The early arrival of Andrew Henderson at Gowrie's house, about half-past ten, is proved by two gentlemen named Hay, and one named Moncrieff, who were then with Gowrie on business to which he at once refused to attend further, in the case of the Hays. Henderson's presence with Ruthven at Falkland is also confirmed by a manuscript vindication of the Ruthvens issued at the time.

It would appear like divination, if John Henderson's friends were to state the various instances they have known of that quick discernment which he possessed, that, as it were, penetrated the veil of sense, and unfolded to him the naked and unsophisticated qualities of the soul. There are many who will cordially admit the fact, when it is said, that, his eye was scarcely the eye of a man.

Farmer Henderson's cow was taken just that way last fall, and he couldn't save her." "What are you going to do?" "I have been to Elihu Perkins, and he's coming over to see what he can do for her. He can save her if anybody can." The children listened to this conversation, and, young as they were, the elder ones understood the calamity involved in the possible loss of the cow.

Accordingly she called her carriage and drove down to Henderson's office.

Rachel glanced up sharply, heaved a big sigh, and when she lifted her head from Mrs. Henderson's neck, there was something bright that glistened in either eye; she brushed it off before any one could spy it, as the parson was saying: "And now, where is your bag, child er Rachel, I mean?" Rachel pointed to the end of the platform. "I'll go an' tell 'em to bring it here." "No, no, child."