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"Where is Captain Strong?" Startled, Commander Walters glanced up to see Major Connel enter his office, accompanied by Professor Hemmingwell. The thin little man scowled with irritation as he walked right up to the commander's desk. "I wanted Captain Strong here for this meeting," the professor continued. "Of course," replied Walters. "Captain Strong should be here." He turned to Connel.

"I want to see this ship in space as badly as you do. Perhaps even more so. But listen, I'm not afraid of the jinx. Neither are you, nor is Professor Hemmingwell. We're spacemen. And we know the operation of every piece of equipment on that ship. What's to prevent us from taking her up?" Connel looked at the young man, immediately recognizing the value of his suggestion. He nodded his head curtly.

"I don't care who pays him, as long as he's with me on this, Commander," said Hemmingwell, wiping his glasses carefully. "That young man has a mind equipped with a built-in calculator." Dave Barret grinned in obvious embarrassment. "If Mr. Devers can devote his time to you for one credit a year as salary, I have no objections to working on this project," he said. "In fact, I told Mr.

Tom immediately clapped an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, while Roger applied heating units to the wrists and neck. Astro burst into the chamber, followed by the professor. "Will he be all right?" Hemmingwell asked anxiously. "Think nothing of it, Professor Hummingbird," said Roger. "The old major will come around any second, and when he does, stand back. The first thing he'll do is yell."

There was a sudden burst of power from the great ship and the officer was hurled into space. "Major!" cried Hemmingwell. "Barret! What have you done? Connel is outside!" "I couldn't help it, Professor," replied Barret from the power deck. "My hand slipped and " "Don't talk!" shouted Hemmingwell. "Stop the ship!" "I can't! The control is jammed!"

"This is the area here," he said, placing his finger on the map. "I think it is best suited for our purpose. Dave Barret and Carter Devers concur " "Someone mention my name?" The sliding door to the commander's office opened and a tall, distinguished man with iron-gray hair entered, followed by a handsome, younger man. "Devers!" exclaimed Hemmingwell in obvious delight.

If the projectiles work half as well, you'll really have yourself something!" Professor Hemmingwell smiled appreciatively and turned to Barret, who was just climbing through the hatch from the power deck. "You've done as much as anyone to help this ship get into space, Dave," he said. "Thank you!" "Think nothing of it, Professor," replied Barret airily.

Alone for just an instant, the three cadets of the Polaris unit clasped hands in silent determination and then plunged into their various assignments. Five minutes later, Connel and Tom returned to the control deck to find Astro waiting for them. Professor Hemmingwell and Barret, both in space suits, were seated on acceleration couches.

"Stand by to fire one!" said the professor, making a minute adjustment on the panel. Behind him, Connel unconsciously crossed his fingers. "Fire one!" shouted Hemmingwell. Connel pressed a red button on the panel and waited, holding his breath. There was a distinct hissing and then the great ship lurched slightly.

"Present!" "Smith!" "Here!" "Albert!" "Here!" Connel checked the last name on the clipboard and turned to Professor Hemmingwell standing beside him at the base of the ship. "All present and ready, sir." "Fine!" said the professor. He turned and looked around. "Where is Dave?" "Here he comes now," said Connel. They both watched Barret stride toward them, his arms loaded with gear.