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They could hear the faint hum of the helicopter. It was still circling, Tsoay reported from a higher check point, but those circles remained close over the plains area the riders had already passed beyond the limits of that aerial sentry. Three to a side, the Apaches advanced with the trail between them. They were carefully hidden when they caught up with the hunters.

In order to examine the matter it will be remembered that the mountaineer, Mr Woodford, arrived by helicopter searching for survivors on the morning of 29th November. In the letter he sent to the Royal Commission he said he found the bag then and: "My recollection is that it was empty when I first inspected it. It certainly contained no diaries or briefing material."

Perhaps, pushed by their need for learning more about the Apaches, they would bring the helicopter in over the mountains. The answer to all Apache dangers, for now, lay in the immediate future of this one man. "He is hurt, he cannot go far on foot. And even if he calls the 'copter, there is no landing place. He will have to move elsewhere to be picked up."

Georg's mind was busy with his plans. Had the helicopter been seen? It seemed not. No rocket-light had reached it; and there was no sign of pursuit from below. Maida crouched beside him. He felt her hand timidly upon his arm; felt her shy, sidelong glance upon him. And suddenly he was conscious of her beauty.

Again, it is often assumed by advocates of this form of flight that the rapidity of climb of the helicopter would be far greater than that of the driven plane; this view overlooks the fact that the maintenance of aerodynamic support would claim the greater part of the engine-power; the rate of ascent would be governed by the amount of power that could be developed surplus to that required for maintenance.

For some inexplicable reason, Paucton was not satisfied with the term 'helicopter, but preferred to call it a 'pterophore, a name which, so far as can be ascertained, has not been adopted by any other writer or investigator.

The possibility of flight by this method is modified by a very definite disadvantage of which lovers of the helicopter seem to take little account.

He had a pistol on his belt. The pistol had the saw-handle grip of an automatic, but it was a flintlock, as were the rifles of the young men who stood so watchfully on either side of the door. Two middle-aged men accompanied the bearded man and the trio advanced toward the helicopter. "All right, come on, Monty." Loudons opened the door and let down the steps.

Experiments furthermore are being made with a device after the type of the helicopter which with the steady lightening of the aircraft motor, may be installed on airplanes with a special motor for its operation.

Beside it was an incline with a helicopter standing up there on a private landing stage.... Georg and Maida rushed up the incline. A small helicopter; its dangling basket was barely large enough for two a basket with a tiny safety 'plane fastened to its outrigger. In a moment Georg and the girl had boarded the helicopter.