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A reign of terror began a reign of terror heightened by mystery. No man knew what was next to be expected from this strange tribunal.

I resigned to get time to write a play, a comedy in five acts." Frank regarded his companion with heightened respect. He was a boy of good education, and the author of a play in his eyes was a man of genius. "Was it played?" he inquired.

In and out among the hills the trail wound, and sundown found them entering a basin similar to that where they had captured their deer. On two sides walls of rocks towered and dense forests formed the others. Lonesome, indeed, was the spot, and this effect was heightened by the rapidly descending darkness. "Commander, I think we'll hobble the horses right here," said Mr.

And the universal suspense was heightened by the impossibility of finding any way of forcing him to a decision. At last another appeal was made to Savonarola, who was exerting all his influence to keep the people quiet, and whose peaceful admonitions during this period of danger and confusion had been no less efficacious than the heroic defiance of Piero Capponi.

The rather unformidable appearing fortification, on account of which Halifax boasts herself the most strongly fortified city of America, together with the flag-ship Bellerophon and two other vessels of the Atlantic squadron, the Canada and the Thrush, the latter vessel until lately having been commanded by Prince George, gave the harbor and town a martial tone that was heightened upon our going ashore and seeing the red coats that throng the streets in the evening.

His black hair stood in wisps and curls, its picturesque disorder heightened by a trick he had of running his fingers through it when he paused for a minute to take breath, to look steadfastly across at the slide-scarred granite face of the north valley wall, with a wistful look in his eyes. "Those hills," he said once abruptly to Hollister, "they were here long before we came.

But save for the unnatural brightness of her eyes and the heightened color in her face, drink seemed to have little effect on Martha Kent that night.

The hard-heartedness of fathers is a fine theme for romance writers, a sure and moving topic; but is there not something untender, to say no more of it, in the hurry which a beloved child is sometimes in to tear herself from the parental stock, and commit herself to strange graftings? The case is heightened where the lady, as in the present instance, happens to be an only child.

Many of the others were inclined to follow his lead, and would have done so more openly, were it not that they held in respect Leigh's strength, and readiness in the science they called le boxe. The talk that there might be troubles in La Vendee heightened his satisfaction at leaving Nantes, and going down to stay in the country.

A squeal from one of the falcons interrupted her, and she arose to adjust the longe which had become whipped about the bloc, but the bird still flapped its wings and screamed. "What is the matter?" she said. "Philip, can you see?" I looked around and at first saw nothing to cause the commotion, which was now heightened by the screams and flapping of all the birds.