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We can not kill him; and so the story generally proceeds. He selects a very old story always, and generally tells it in about this fashion: I heerd an awful funny thing the other day ha! ha! I don't know whether I kin git it off er not, but, anyhow, I'll tell it to you. Well! le's see now how the fool-thing goes. Oh, yes!

If he ketches a feller in an out-of-the-way place, he is sartin to gobble him up. But his time is most up now, 'kase Bob never fails in any thing when he onct gets his mind sot on it, an' when I heerd that he was a goin' to ketch this Yank, I believed he would do it.

'No, my little feller, said he, 'he bean't a fool, he is a most particular sensible man; but why did you ax that 'ere question? 'Why, said the little boy, 'mother said t'other day you were next door to a fool, and I wanted to know who lived next door to you. His mother felt pretty ugly, I guess, when she heerd him run right slap on that 'ere breaker.

"Yes 'm, second mate of the 'International. He's cap'n now, 'm, with an interest in the steamship, and they do say they ain't many that's so dreadfully much finer in the big P. & O. lines leastwise so I've heerd tell, 'm, and I guess they ain't no mistake about it, nuther." "And you have mothered his babies all these years?" "I have, 'm, yes.

This they all did; and lo! and behold ye, when they had finished the bottle was as full as when they commenced; and they all said that bate all ever they knew or heerd tell of; and the King said it bate all ever he knew or heerd tell of, too, and that the same bottle would be of mighty great sarvice to him, to keep his troops in drink when he'd go to war, and axed Jack on what tarms he'd part with it.

That the man had often spoken to him since and asked him whether he slept sound at night, and how he bore cold and hunger, and whether he ever wished to die, and similar strange questions. "He was wery good to me," says the boy, wiping his eyes with his wretched sleeve. "Wen I see him a-layin' so stritched out just now, I wished he could have heerd me tell him so. He wos wery good to me, he wos!"

"Why, ye see, as I've telt ye, I'm booked to ship wi' the black `sheik' I've heerd them ca' him. Well, from what I ha'e seed and heerd there's nae doot they're gaein' to separate an' tak different roads. I didna ken muckle o' what they saved, but I could mak oot two words I ha'e often heerd while cruisin' in the Gulf o' Guinea.

"No, sir. Nothink at all. Mr. Chadbands he wos a-prayin wunst at Mr. Sangsby's and I heerd him, but he sounded as if he wos a- speakin to hisself, and not to me. He prayed a lot, but I couldn't make out nothink on it.

So he had got hired at the mill, an' had a likely job, an' was doin' well. An' when Tom heerd about Lucy's trouble, an' thet she had only two days left before goin' to jail, he up an' says: 'I'll get the money, Lucy: don' you worry a bit. 'Oh, Tom! says she, 'hev you got sixty dollars saved already? 'I've got it, Lucy, says he, 'an' I'll go over tomorrow an' pay Doc Squiers.

Well, one day, when her dander was up about somethin', she told him that she b'lieved he married her for her money, and she'd die before he should have a cent. Amos was a proud feller, if he was poor; and, when he heerd this, he left the house right off, walked to New York, and shipped as a sailor to San Francisco.