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So having collected the geese and the two falcons, which I proposed to skin for Marie, I was helped into the cart, and we drove off, reaching Maraisfontein just as night set in. That evening, after we had eaten, Heer Marais asked my father and myself to speak with him in the sitting-room.

As we shall see, neither the associations of his early life nor the most tempting scientific prizes in the gift of the old world could divert him from this settled purpose. The proposition from Zurich was not official, but came through a friend and colleague, for whom he had the deepest sympathy and admiration, Oswald Heer.

In an instant these thoughts flashed through her mind, but all she did was to murmur something about the Heer van Goorl "Has already given his consent, like an unselfish gentleman," broke in Captain Juan tendering her his hand.

There is old Sitting Bull, for instance, and Lone Lion, Rain-in-the-Face, and Horse-with-the-Red-Eye, and so forth, and so forth!" "Exactly. Every one o' 'em's a danged descendant o' ther old Satan, hisself." "Layin' aside ther Injun subjeck," said Charity Joe, forking into the roasted venison, "I move thet we take up a silent debate on ther pecooliarities uv a deer's hind legs; so heer goes!"

No less than 844 species are reckoned by Heer from the Oeningen beds alone, the number of specimens which he has examined being 5080. The entire list of Swiss species from the Upper and Lower Miocene together amount to 1322.

"Ah! uncle," exclaimed Pereira, "did you see those birds cross each other as I pulled? That was a lucky one for me, but I won't count the second if the Heer Allan objects." "No, I did not, nephew," answered Retief, "but doubtless they must have done so, or the same bullet could not have pierced both." Both Hans and I only looked at each other and laughed. Still we said nothing.

In the travertine are many fossil plants, all Recent except two, an oak and poplar, the leaves of which Professor Heer has not been able to identify with any known species.

The Heer Brant also, who had but just arrived in Leyden, showed himself an able and polished man, one that had been educated more thoroughly than was usual among his class, and who, at the table of his father, the opulent Burgomaster of The Hague, from his youth had associated with all classes and conditions of men.

The door of the dining-room was open. Mrs. Floyd was there arranging some jars of preserves in the cupboard, and turned at the sound of the slip-shod feet. "Good-morning," Mrs. Floyd said; "won't you have a seat?" Mrs. Dawson put her shawl and carpetbag on a chair. "I want to put up heer to-night," she said. "I never put up at a tavern in my life, an' I'm a sorter green hand at it.

"I will tell you," she answered, "for, as he never gave me my pay, my tongue is loosed. He wished for evidence that the Heer Dirk van Goorl was a heretic, and employed me to find it." Brant's face hardened, and he became more watchful. "Why did he wish such evidence?" "To use it to prevent the marriage of Jufvrouw Lysbeth with the Heer Dirk van Goorl." "How?" Meg shrugged her shoulders.