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Ef we hedn't been in such a white heat, we might just hev' hid round in the neighborhood there till she came along. But it's too late, for that now. Let's you and me lay low till Sunday. She'll be sure to go to meetin' on Sunday ef she's there, and you can quietly slip in and see if she is.

"An hit all only goes ter show how good things mout hev been ef we hedn't nuver been hindered from weddin' at ther start." The insolent presumption of the creature sent the blood pounding through Dorothy's temples and the room swum about her: a room sacred to clean memories that were being defiled by his presence.

Gran'daddy 'lowed ez he warn't 'spon-sible fur whut the owners done, or hedn't done at the mine, an' he seen no sense in shootin' one man ter git even with another." "But ye kep' his secret!" Kinnicutt persisted. "What fur should I tell it 't ain't mine?" "That thar money in that box he buried ain't his'n, nuther!" he argued. There was an inscrutable look in her clear eyes.

"That's a lighthouse, isn't it?" asked Jim, who had a sailor's eye. "Yes," growled Captain Jeb, his leathery face darkening. "Why they wanted to set up that consarned thing just across from Killykinick, I don't know. Hedn't we been showing a light thar for nigh onto fifty years? But some of these know-alls come along and said it wasn't the right kind; it oughter blink.

'Shame on ye, Bill, said the old gentleman. 'If thet's so ye ain't done right Hedn't orter let a girl like thet git away from ye th' ain't another like her in this world. 'I know it' I said' 'but I can't help it Somebody's cut me out Uncle Eb. ''Tain't so, said he emphatically. 'Ye want t' prance right up t' her.

"I took the milk from two little cats what git stuffed with milk every morning and night. The doughnut had jest been stuck in a parrot's cage. He hedn't tetched it. My! he swore fierce! I'd ruther steal, anyway, than let Iry and Co go hungry." "What would the preacher say!" demanded her mother solemnly. "He would say it was wrong."

'Mother, stammered Matt, 'Miriam has summat to tell yo'. 'Nay, lad, thaa may tell it thisel, said Miriam. 'Happen thaa cornd for shame, Miriam, stammered Matt. 'I durnd know as I've ought to be ashamed on, but it seems as though thaa hedn't th' pluck. The old woman grew impatient, and, supposing she was being fooled, rose from the table, and said: 'I want to know noan o' your secrets.

Den Marse Chan he went on talkin' right fars' to her; an' he tole her how he had loved her ever sence she wuz a little bit o' baby mos', an' how he nuver 'membered de time when he hedn't 'spected to marry her.

Arter freedom, I hunted up our little gal, an' foun' her. She war a big woman den. Den I com'd right back ter dis place an' foun' Lindy. She hedn't married agin, nuther hed I; so we jis' let de parson marry us out er de book; an' we war mighty glad ter git togedder agin, an' feel hitched togedder fer life."

An' we go out with a lantern, an' thar's jes' a pool o' blood in the dooryard, an' bloody tracks down ter the laurel." "Eveliny gone!" cried the old man, smiting his hands together; "my leetle darter! The only one ez never gin me enny trouble. I couldn't hev made out ter put up with this hyar worl' no longer when my wife died ef it hedn't been fur Eveliny.