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Yes, humanity is not so debased, but that its good points still excel its bad! Just as you see but one real miser in a fixed proportion of men; so, are there, I believe, quite as small a representative set of absolutely heartless persons.

Looking from the human side, I am hopeless. It is only God's almighty power that can make us, as you say, truly one. I fear that now she is only a heartless, fashionable girl. Yet, if she is only this, I do not see how I came to love her as I do. But my trust now is in your prayers to God." "And in your own also: the great Father loves you, too, my son.

"How you always contrive to embitter my happiness!" cried Arsinoe. "I know very well that nothing that I can do can ever be right in your eyes; still, we are sisters, and you need not set your teeth and grudge your words, and shrug your shoulders when I tell you of things which, even a stranger, if I were to confide them to her, would rejoice over with me. You are so cold and heartless!

Like a flash of lightning she darted away from Eleanor and rushed over to the woman, who was dragging the child along and cuffing her at each step. "Stop striking that child!" she ordered sharply. "How can you be so cruel? You are a wicked, heartless woman!" The woman paid no attention to Madge. She did not seem even to have heard her, but lifted her big, coarse arm for another blow.

With the heartless, contemptuous air of a boy who scorns tears and girls, Job stood there; and, posing dramatically, sang in a falsetto voice: "Wait till the clouds roll by, Jennie, Wait till the clouds roll by."

'I'd rather you behaved to me like your old self. A sham sympathy would drive me mad. 'I said nothing, he replied, 'only because words seemed meaningless. 'Not only that. You feel for me, I know, because you are not heartless; but at the same time you obey your reason, which tells you that all I suffer comes of my own self-will. 'I should like you to think better of me than that.

"Wonder what that old thief is giving them," muttered he. "Uncle Billy's telling his bear story." Quarter of an hour passed. The infant moon had sunk below the westward horizon. The sounds of joviality increased, and Blake's mouth watered. "Damn those heartless profligates!" he muttered. "Reckon I'll have to go and reconnoiter. You don't mind being left to your own reflections, Loring?"

It began to seem that his conclusions had been wrong. His silence caused her to look up, and in his face she read something of what was passing in his thoughts. She smiled rather wanly. "You are thinking me heartless, Monsieur de Garnache?" "I am thinking you womanly." "The same thing, then, to your mind. Tell me, monsieur, do you know much of women?" "God forbid!

Sanders scoffed at the idea of Natzie's infatuation being sufficient ground for family ostracism. "If there is a man alive who owes more than Wren does to Blakely, I'm a crab," said he, "and as soon as he's well enough to listen to straight talk he'll get it from me." "If there's a girl in America as heartless as Angela Wren," said Mrs. Sanders, "I hope I never shall have to meet her."

No matter where I turn, I am up against a stone wall the money interests. One never hears a glimmer of fellow-feeling, never a word of human sympathy, only cold calculation, heartless reasoning, money, money, money! Oh, I am sick of it. I don't want any of it. I am going away where I'll hear no more of it." His mother laid her hand gently on his shoulder. "Don't talk that way, Jefferson.