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The father's feebleness comes up again in the wasting heartbreak and gentle lunacy of the daughter, while the son shows it in a rashness of impulse and act, a kind of crankiness, of whose essential feebleness we are all the more sensible as contrasted with a nature so steady on its keel, and drawing so much water, as that of Horatio, the foil at once, in different ways, to both him and Hamlet.

Haven't I been fighting against odds ever since to be able to come to you an honest man and worthy of your love?" "Oh, I know I know!" she said, and there was a sound of heartbreak in her voice. "But the odds have been too heavy. I thought you had forgotten long ago." "Forgotten!" he said. "Yes." With a sob she answered him. "Men do forget nearly all of them. Fletcher Hill didn't.

The old war-horse pricked up his ears! Baranof sailed in the fall of 1818. By spring the ship homeward-bound stopped at Batavia. There was some delay. Delay was not good for Baranof. He was ill, deadly ill, of that most deadly of all ailments, heartbreak, consciousness that he was of no more use, what the Indians call "the long sickness of too much thinking."

In that day he could not even reach out to those upon the ocean, drawing daily nearer to the heartbreak. Susy Clemens had died in the old Hartford home. She had been well far a time at the farm, but then her health had declined. She worked continuously at her singing lessons and over-tried her strength. Then she went on a visit to Mrs.

But at least there'll be no heartbreak in Scotland. I gather you never said a word to the Bross lady on the subject, and very few on any other. You tell me you left it all with that good woman, your aunt, to arrange after you left. Do you think a creature of any sentiment would have accepted you on those terms? Not she.

In her helpless heartbreak and tragedy Robin needed her as she needed no one else in the world. "She is so broken and weakened that she may not live," he said in the end. "No one can care for her as you can." "I can care for her, poor lamb. I'll come when your lordship's ready for me, be it soon or late." "Thank you, Dowie," he said again. "It will be soon."

His scene with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and the recorders is masterly: the silken sternness of it, the fine hauteur, the half-appeal as of lost ideals still pleading with the vulgarity of life, the fierce humour of its disillusion, and behind, as always, the heartbreak that side of which comes of the recognition of what it is to be a gentleman in such a world.

And their children grow like them or if they be gentle and with love for peace they are slain or die of heartbreak. All this my mother told me long ago. So no more children shall be born from them either to suffer or to grow evil." Again she paused, nor did we interrupt her musing. "My father ruled Ruszark," she said at last.

It's got a rope-walk and a candle-factory and an army. Standing army. Infantry and cavalry. Three soldier and a horse. Aleck, it's been a long wait, and full of heartbreak and hope deferred, but God knows I am happy now. Happy, and grateful to you, my own, who have done it all. When is it to be?" "Next Sunday." "Good. And we'll want to do these weddings up in the very regalest style that's going.

How much of human time, which is but a span, and of human emotion and thought, which are sacred and not to be carelessly thrown away, lie latent therein? The estimate must be highly speculative. Some books have cost a lifetime and a heartbreak; others have been written at leisure in a week, and without an emotion.