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Esther, I know you'll laugh at me, but I'm that heart-broken... I can't live without him... I'd do anything for him." "He isn't worth it." "That don't make no difference. You don't know what love is; a woman who hasn't loved a man who don't love her, don't. We used to live near here. Do you mind coming up Drury Lane? I should like to show you the house." "I'm afraid it will be out of our way."

But the child was pitifully sad heart-broken. Nothing appeared to interest her, and she seemed to live from day to day only because nature was stronger than her grief. She never spoke of Wallace, nor referred to the fact that her illness had been caused by the dreadful tidings of his death.

I would give up half my own being to be able to reanimate that form once more, but the wish is vain." "Who shall announce the intelligence to his sister?" sighed his companion. "Never will that already nearly heart-broken girl be able to survive the shock of her brother's death. Blessington, you alone are fitted to such a task; and, painful as it is, you must undertake it.

Ruby was wondering whether she should have a trunk like Maude's if she should go to boarding-school. It had seemed just the very nicest thing in the world to have a trunk of one's own with one's initials upon it in brass-headed nails, and she thought she could go, without being quite heart-broken, if only she had a trunk to take with her. Finally she said,

"Good-bye," she said. She rose as she uttered the words. "Why do you say that? Sit down again. We have come to no terms." "We cannot come to any," answered Florence, in still that low, almost heart-broken voice. Then, all of a sudden, without the least warning, she burst into tears. "You bring the past back to me, Bertha," she said: "the hateful past."

I was heart-broken, it is true, and yet I was not quite so far gone as to wish to be frozen to death. When I got up to the Peacock, where I found everybody drinking hot purl, in self-preservation, I asked if there were an inside seat to spare. I then discovered that, inside or out, I was the only passenger.

What this renegade son of his thought of it all; this disturber of his father's sleeping and waking hours, was far easier to discover. Dazed as Harry had been at the parental verdict and heart-broken as he still was over the dire results, he could not, though he tried, see what else he could have done.

He had taken a part in the rebellion of 1715; but sick and disgusted with an issue by which his fortunes had been affected, and heart-broken by the loss of a beloved wife, whose death had been accelerated by circumstances connected with the disturbed nature of the times, he had resolved to bury himself and child in some wild, where the face of man, whom he loathed, might no more offend his sight.

Edwin, at twenty-one, is not heart-broken, but, a greatly improved character, takes, to quote his own words, "a sensible interest in works of engineering skill, especially when they are to change the whole condition of an undeveloped country" Egypt.

It died out, a heart-broken moan of despair, fading to nothingness in the still, desolate world. Then came another sound. It was the crash of a falling tree. It was louder, but it, too, could scarcely break the stillness, so silent was the world, so desolate was it in the absence of all life. Day had broken. The sky was brilliant with swift-speeding clouds of fleecy white.