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He classifies his words in groups single rhymes, double rhymes, triple, quadruple, and even quintuple rhymes; and then he divides and subdivides and parcels off his words under separate headings. He does not give definitions.

I would not wantonly wound the sensibilities of those earnest but ignorant souls who believe the very chapter headings of the Bible to have been inspired; who interpret literally every foolish fable preserved therein "like flies in amber"; but the Car of Progress cannot roll forward without crushing an occasional pismire.

Hence the big headings, the bold type, and the double columns of the American paper, and the small headings and the general air of quiet and respectability of the English Press. It is quite beside the question to ask which is the better. Neither is. They are different things: that's all.

One business woman who has made a study of her expenditure has the following list of headings for her private account book: Board and lodging; clothes; laundry; dentist and doctor; car tickets and stamps; contribution to family life; books, magazines and papers; church and benevolence; gifts and entertainment of friends; holidays and travel; recreation, candy, music, and the theatre; study; clubs and societies; miscellaneous; taxes; saving and investment.

No general agreement to omit some of the topics in the list was reached, and most of the class saw no better plan than to present the subject, cat, under the twenty-two headings given. Although there were college graduates present, and many capable women, it was evident that they carried no standard for judging the value of facts or for organizing them.

It is only to be regretted that in the later collected edition of the works those two magical old volumes are broken up and scattered under other headings. We think also that Mr. Browning's works, the culmination of his dramatic method, and the turning-point more decisively than Dramatis Personae of his style. Yet just here he rightly marks a change in Mr. Browning's manner:

His placards smite the eye at the crossings of the streets; they return your glance at the shop-window, and confound your senses at every turn. "Old Ebony for the month," "Kit North again in the field," "A racy new number of Blackwood," such are the headings of newspaper puffs, and the bawlings of hawkers on the steps of Astor House.

Yes; but you will be the same to me, because we have met in eternity, and there our intimacy was formed. So get well as soon as you possibly can." This statement deserves consideration under two headings; and the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.

Under their different headings I will now examine in as short a space as possible the criticisms to which the British Government has been subjected. Various damaging theories and alternate lines of action have been suggested, each of which may be shortly discussed. That Mr.

Let us apply this principle to a Shakespearean play for example, to Macbeth. The act headings might run somewhat as follows Can it be doubted that Shakespeare had in his mind the rhythm marked by this act-division?