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"Oh! very bad indeed: my head is ready to split: never felt such a sensation in my head before, except when I was struck with a spent ball at the battle of " "I am very sorry for your headache, colonel, but more sorry that the wine should have played you such a trick last night."

My mother and my grandmother were sitting opposite one another playing cards by the light of a lamp. I ran into the room, and flung myself on the bed beside my mother, and said: "Mother dear, the tutor has come, and I have such a bad headache; couldn't I have no lessons today?"

'Well? said he. 'By-and-by, papa, she answered. 'I have a headache. Beg Mr. Romfrey to excuse me. 'No news for me? She had no news. Mrs. Culling was with her. The colonel stepped on mystified to his room. When the door had closed Cecilia turned to Rosamund and burst into tears. Rosamund felt that it must be something grave indeed for the proud young lady so to betray a troubled spirit.

The King had passed a cruel night and had a bad headache; he saw at his dinner, the few courtiers who presented themselves, and after dinner went to the Dauphin. The fever had augmented: the pulse was worse than before. The King passed into the apartments of Madame de Maintenon, and the Dauphin was left with his attendants and his doctors. He spent the day in prayers and holy reading.

June 22.—A little better; but under dreadful apprehensions of sickness. June 23.—Very bad again; cold and shivering, and then a violent headache. June 24.—Much better. June 25.—An ague very violent; the fit held me seven hours; cold fit and hot, with faint sweats after it. June 26.—Better; and having no victuals to eat, took my gun, but found myself very weak.

Long 'bout now he must have him a horse-size headache...." Croxton swayed and only Drew's crowding their horses together kept the now unconscious scout from falling into the road dust. Kirby steadied the limp body from the other side. "Keep pullin' him 'round this way, amigo, an' he'll be planted permanent, all neat an' pretty with a board up at his head." "There's a house back there."

Then I awake, and find that I really am hungry, and remember that in consequence of a headache I did not eat any dinner. So I slip on a few clothes, and go down to the kitchen on a foraging expedition. It is said that dreams are momentary conglomerations of thought, centring round the incident that awakens us, and, as with most scientific facts, this is occasionally true.

By your dead wife's tomb there grows a fine pomelo tree; you must bring that here, and boil it, root and branch, and put a little of the water in which it has been boiled, on my forehead, and that will cure my headache."

Scarcely a winter passes but one or more deaths are recorded from the products of combustion given off from various forms of water heaters used in bath rooms; scarcely a cookery class is given, with gas stoves, that one or more ladies do not have to leave suffering from an intense headache, and often in an almost fainting condition.

Phyllis could hear, with a faint amusement, that the girl was scolding energetically in Anna Black's own way. The words struck on her quick ears, though they were not intended to carry. "That's what comes of trusting to volunteer help. Telephones at the last moment 'she has a headache, and not a single soul to look after the story-hour! And the children are almost all here already."