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Endymion felt it was rather a crisis in his life, and that his future might much depend on the fulfilment of the confidential office which had been entrusted to him by his chief. He summoned all his energies, concentrated his intelligence on the one subject, and devoted to its study and comprehension every moment of his thought and time. After a while, he had made Manchester his head-quarters.

They were generally in the employ of some trader, who, at the head of his retainers and a string of pack-horses, would make his way over mountains and through forests to the banks of the Ohio, establish his head-quarters in some Indian town, and disperse his followers to traffic among the hamlets, hunting-camps and wigwams, exchanging blankets, gaudy colored cloth, trinketry, powder, shot, and rum, for valuable furs and peltry.

This led me to believe that the scout, whoever he was, staid about head-quarters, else how could he obtain so much information. "The woman seemed to be well acquainted with him and his movements, and told us of several of his exploits, which, if true, showed the spy to be a man admirably fitted for his position.

Waller could not bear to abandon, so he carried them with him to Morumbala, and supported them at his own expense, until at the end of five months it was decided to give up Morumbala, and fix the head-quarters of the Central African Mission at Zanzibar. Then, as it was not easy to convey the boys, or provide for them there, Mr. Waller took the charge of them likewise, and, with Dr.

He reached head-quarters in the third week of January, and what Thiers has called the proud simplicity of his conduct, contrasting as it did with the uneasy finesse of Metternich and Nesselrode, imparted to his counsels a weight which they merited from their disinterestedness. Great Britain was in a very strong position.

Captain Warlow, of the First Precinct, No. 29 Broad Street, who, with his command, was in the gallant fight in Broadway, after some subsequent fighting and marching, had at length reached his head-quarters in Broad Street, where a despatch met him, to proceed at once to the Tribune building. He immediately started off on the double-quick.

The proceedings of this court-martial were reported at head-quarters, and the punishment awarded to these murderers was a reprimand! After this, what protection, or generosity, or justice, can the Indians he said to receive from the Hudson's Bay Company? The Indians to this day talk of their Northwest "fathers" with regret.

Every week the superintendent of the stables makes a report of the condition of the horses and wagons, and this "stable report" is carefully inspected at head-quarters. In case of sickness or stubborn lameness, the horses are sent to the country to recruit. Mr. Stewart has a farm at Tuckahoe, where the invalid horses are kept, and where much of their provender is raised.

But it was in Babylon the Great, that the woman of Zechariah v. 1 Commerce had found all she had been insisting for, through all the past years, and it all emanated from, and was centred in Apleon. And it was all connected with worship. "Covetousness, which is idolatry." Apleon had made it his head-quarters. "The kings of the earth lived wantonly with her."

One morning, Willis started as usual in search of a ship, but soon returned to the inn where they had established their head-quarters in a state of bewilderment; he threw himself into a chair, and, before he could utter a word, had to fill his pipe and light it. "Well," said he, "I am completely and totally flabbergasted." "What about?" inquired the two brothers.