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Tony's going off for a long cruise in the South Seas on a sailing boat and he wants Jimmie to go with him. He's going to write stories and he says if Jimmie sees it all he will make his fortune painting pictures. And he can illustrate the stories, too. And Jimmie won't go because he won't leave me. Don't you see what I'd do if I had some money?

Comin' to this decision, I p'ints at him where he's planted four seats ahead, all tangled up in a spellin' book, an' says in a loud whisper to a child who's sittin' next: "'Throw him out! "'That's enough. No gent will ever realise how easy it is to direct a people's sentiment ontil he take a whirl at the game.

Bean became aware that the old lady had grasped his hand, and he divined that she was also holding a hand of the flapper. "And my! such excitement you never did see when little Jim came! We began to save right off to send him to a good seminary. We were going to make a preacher out of him; and see the way he's turned out!

"Very old family, old Kentucky family I believe. He's got enormous landed property in Tennessee, I think. The family lost everything, slaves and that sort of thing, you know, in the war. But they have a great deal of land, minerals, mines and all that. Mr.

"Is it Scott?" asked Douglas. "It isn't anybody! Why, Douglas, you must be crazy!" "Do I look crazy?" Judith stared deep into Douglas' blue eyes. "No," slowly, "you don't." "You can have Buster and Prince too," said Douglas. "No, sir, Doug! Why, they're all you've got in the world!" "I have that dapple gray Young Jeff gave me after the trial. He's old enough to break now."

Woods in the distance striding across the sunlit terraces, and was seized with a conviction that their interview was likely to prove a stormy one. There was an ominous stiffness in his gait. "Oh, dear, dear!" Miss Hugonin wailed; "he's in a temper now, and he'll probably be just as disagreeable as it's possible for any one to be. I do wish men weren't so unreasonable!

I can't understand why he's been hanging round Hell-Hole all day and hasn't tumbled on to the Curlew. He seems to have forgotten his boats entirely." "I have an idea he has," Gregory answered. "Sometimes I think that perhaps fishing is only a small part of Mascola's business.

He's the fellow they are all so afraid of, but I guess he liked the idea of the boys doing it themselves, and just sneaked in and helped. There's the Governor. He's a fine fellow. He wouldn't be held up by anybody not even to get ready for a Prince, but he's worked like a Trojan all day to make things come his way. Yes sir this is the sure-enough thing. Here you have the boys off dress parade.

Burke," he said, as she dashed up. "So far as you are concerned " "Where's that villain? Where's that wretch? He's stolen my deeds! I know it, I know it! I'm ruined! Brennan, come and arrest him."

He's bound, in the very irreg'larities of his nacher, an' the deadly idleness of a winter with nothin' to do but think, to go to transactin' faro-bank. An', as a high-steppin' patriot once says, "jedgin' of the footure by the past," our sport's goin' to be skinned alive chewed up compared to him a Digger Injun will loom up in the matter of finance like a Steve Girard. An' he knows it.