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Paine had a short skirmish with the enemy near Grand Gulf, and captured eight prisoners, but their camp, a small one, was found abandoned. The same evening the troops re-embarked, and on the 25th arrived before Vicksburg. The orders from Butler, under which Williams was now acting, required him to take or burn Vicksburg at all hazards.

I must content myself with preserving a delighted recollection of the French metropolis which no scene or circumstance, possible in life can ever efface. The companion of all my hazards in Ireland, whom I again joined in Paris, more than shared my enthusiasm.

For two hundred years there was a continuous stream of Europeans of every rank and station making their way into western Asia. If they escaped the countless hazards of the journey, they either settled in this distant land and devoted themselves to war or commerce, or returned home, bringing with them tales of great cities and new peoples, of skill and luxury unknown in the West.

He would get out, he must get out, at all hazards! Suddenly the woman began to scream, with harsh and piercing cries that seemed to rip the very atmosphere. At the third scream, or the fourth, the key was turned and the door jerked open. In its aperture, three men stood the two who had been so long trailing Gabriel, and a policeman, burly, red-jowled, big-paunched. Gabriel stared at them.

So I drank pretty freely, as you' know, and went home, in consequence, drunk at night, notwithstanding I had promised Sally, solemnly, in the morning, never to touch another drop again as long as I lived. Poor soul! Bad enough, and discouraged enough, she felt last night, I know. "So you see when I got up this morning, I felt half-determined to sign the pledge, at all hazards.

To turn to General Lee, it would be an interesting question to discuss whether he really desired to intercept General Meade, if there were any data upon which to base a decision. The writer hazards the observation that it seems doubtful whether this was Lee's intention.

A bunker is a hazard, such as a fence, wall, hedge, depression, or trees. The ground between the holes should be cleared as far as possible of all obstructions. Hazards are not objected to by good players, as they add to the sport. The game called "singles" is where two players, each with his own ball, play against each other.

No big wars, no political hazards; but a double and tenfold portion of human nature and local colour. This last element had in the earlier book been almost entirely supplied by Tullyveolan and its master; for Fergus and the Highland scenes, good as they are, are not much more than a furbishing up of the poem-matter of this kind, especially in the Lady of the Lake.

And because it appeared to them, as I have said, that their desire was a reasonable one, they were resolved to satisfy it at all hazards.

This order, reversing every thing, is said to have been received "with mingled amazement and incredulity" by his officers, two of whom sent him word that, from the great advantages of the position, it should be "held at all hazards." General Hooker's reply was, "Return at once." The army accordingly fell back to Chancellorsville.