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But however delighted she was over her discovery, the little girl never mounted the prostrate horse, for she was afraid that she might roll upon her. The days had passed, and it was now haying-time. But the mowers stood idle beneath their sheds, and the work-horses grazed contentedly with their heads to the south, for a rain was passing over the prairie.

We've seen that in haying-time all along the meadows. The finer type is wide awake enough to fudge up excuses for shirking, and mean enough to get stuffy when its excuses aren't accepted. Turn over!" "But, my good people, no gentleman gets stuffy as you call it. A certain proper pride, to put it no higher, forbids " "Nothing that he wants to do if he really wants to do it. Get along!

"I am afraid you did not make a song today, while loading the hay-cart," said she, "as Burns did, when he was reaping barley." "Burns never made a song in haying-time," I answered very positively. "He was no poet while a farmer, and no farmer while a poet." "And on the whole, which of the two characters do you like best?" asked Zenobia.

The bobolinks were fluting from every tree; there were thrushes in the alder bushes and orioles in the tops of the elms, and Waitstill's heart overflowed with joy at being in such a world of midsummer beauty, though life, during the great heat and incessant work of haying-time, was a little more rigorous than usual.

Todd's customers came and went past my windows, and, haying-time being nearly over, strangers began to arrive from the inland country, such was her widespread reputation.

Old lovers meet, touch hands in friendly scuffle for a fork, drink from the same jug, recline at noon and eat lunch in the shade of a friendly stack, and talk to heart's content, sweetening the labor of the long summer day. Of course this joyousness of the haying-time is not wholly monopolized by the Scotch.

"What about Hugh?" said aunt Miriam, soothingly. "Oh he does what he ought not to do, aunt Miriam, and there is no help for it, and he did last summer when we wanted men; and in the hot haying-time, he used to work, I know, beyond his strength, and aunt Lucy and I did not know what to do with ourselves! Fleda's head which had been raised sunk again and more heavily.

It is a jolly picnic-time, looked forward to with fond anticipation, and after recalled with sweet, sad memories, or otherwise, as the case may be. But they all make hay while the sun shines, and count it joy. Liberties are allowed during haying-time that otherwise would be declared scandalous; during haying-time the Kirk waives her censor's right, and priest and people mingle joyously.

I have known him to begin a model of the building with little stones, gathered at the brookside, whither we had gone to cool ourselves in the sultry noon of haying-time. Unlike all other ghosts, his spirit haunted an edifice, which, instead of being time-worn, and full of storied love, and joy, and sorrow, had never yet come into existence.

You would say he was not a man who would ever catch anything, not even an epidemic; but he was a person whom diseases would be likely to overtake, even the slowest of slow fevers. And he was n't a man to shake off anything. And yet sickness seemed to trouble him no more than poverty. He was not discontented; he never grumbled. I am not sure but he relished a "spell of sickness" in haying-time.