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Lions are a grind. Elephants are as big as a hay-stack. Pig-sticking may be very well, but you've got to go to India, and if you're a poor Foreign Office clerk you haven't got either the time or the money." "You speak as though killing something were a necessity," said Roden. "So it is, unless somebody can invent something better.

But nothing could be done nothing. They did not know that Chad was up in the woods or they would have gone in search of him knowing that when they found him they would find Jack but to look for Jack now would be like searching for a needle in a hay-stack.

He remembered how his first pastor had warned him to be bold and fearless in his home in serving God and he would keep the victory. When Mr. Hill had gone out, Austin helped the girls get their morning work done and dinner planned, then with his Bible in hand he strolled off to the shade of a hay-stack and spent a profitable season in study and prayer.

It was calculated that six hundred pounds would not repair the loss occasioned by this unfortunate accident. How the hay-rick had caught fire nobody knew. George, who had made up the hay-stack, was most inclined to think that the hay had not been sufficiently dried, and that the rick had heated from this cause.

In a case reported by Bailey a middle-aged woman, while sliding down a hay-stack, struck directly upon a pitchfork handle which entered the vagina; the whole weight of the woman was successfully maintained by the cellular tissue of the uterovaginal culdesac.

I most assuredly did not, for little chills began to play up and down my spinal column, and I wasn't exactly in love with the idea of having an escaped murderer crawling out of a hay-stack at midnight and cutting my throat. The ranchman McMein had been killed on Saturday, and the cowboy had been kept on the run for two days.

'I told Jim he'd set that liddle hay-stack o' his too low down in the medder. I told him so when he was drawin' the bottom for it. 'I told him so, too, said Jesse. 'I told him 'fore ever you did. I told him when the County Council tarred the roads up along. He pointed uphill, where unseen automobiles and road-engines droned past continually.

Approaching a farmyard, he sat down and cut up his striped pantaloons and wrapped up his almost frozen feet. He then crawled under a hay-stack. In this place he came near being discovered, for in a couple of hours the farmer came out to feed his cattle, and as chance would have it took the hay from the stack under which the convict was secreted.

"Just you lose your footing, and come down with your ribs on the edge of that table, and see if you wouldn't be hurt." "But I mean shot wounded." "Yah! no. He couldn't hit a hay-stack, sir. I'm all right." "Let me try," said Dick Bannock, "while he's loading his pea-shooter."

was utterly obscure to twenty-two of the thirty- four. One of them said it was a reference to "good opportunities given but not improved." Another said it was equivalent to the counsel "not to expect to find gold in a hay-stack." Even the line, "A Jonah's gourd Up in one night, and due to sudden sun," was utterly baffling to twenty-eight of the thirty-four.