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Steadman went on blithely: "I am old fashioned enough to want my wife to stay at home. I like to find her there when I come home. I don't want her to sit in Parliament; she hasn't time for one thing." Mrs. Steadman sat in front, with the purple plume in her hat nodding its approval: "And I say it in all kindness to all women they havn't the ability.

"Much?" Verty smiled. "I think not," he said; "but I don't know I havn't much time; good-bye." And touching Cloud with the spur, Verty went on. Ralph looked after him for a moment, twirled the note in his fingers, read the superscription, "To Miss Fanny Temple," and then, laughing carelessly, lounged into the house, intent on making a third in the councils of those great captains, Mr.

"Well, Cutler, then, I have been 'through the mill, in that sense. I have acquired a knowledge of the world; if I havn't, the kicks I have taken must have fallen on barren ground. I know the chalk line in life won't do always to travel by. If you go straight a-head, a bottomless quag or a precipice will bring you up all standing as sure as fate.

Here, candy-man!" calling after an old man with a tin cylinder under his arm, that looked something like an ice cream freezer. The lady drew out her purse, and searched among its contents for the small coin her child wanted. "I havn't any thing less than a levy," she at length said. "Oh, well, he can change it. Candy-man, you can change a levy?"

"Ha! ha! ha! that was the tightest place that ever I was in," said Sneak, regaining his good humour, and diverted at the strange occurrence. "Didn't he bite you?" asked Joe. "No, a black snake can't bite they havn't got any fangs. If it had been a rattlesnake or a viper, I'd been a gone chicken. I don't think I'll ever leave my knife behind again, even if I wasn't to go ten steps from home.

"I am very glad of that. I thought perhaps you wouldn't go. Was there a clergyman, or don't they have a clergyman when when " "There was a clergyman," said Richard, briefly. "I hope you'll take me there some time," I said dreamily. "Should you know where to go exactly?" "Exactly," he answered. "But, Pauline, I am afraid you havn't rested at all to-day. Have you slept?"

Their course took them past the bank, and as Mr. McGregor was standing on the steps of the side entrance, he accosted them heartily. "Why, how do you do, gentlemen?" he asked. "Won't you walk in for a few minutes? I havn't seen you since your illness, Mr. Drysdale; won't you come in and rest a while?" On hearing McGregor's salutation, Drysdale started as if stung, and trembled violently.

Graves, as soon as the bar-room was perfectly clear, for the first time, since morning. "Indeed, it does. They havn't given me time to blow. But aint some folks easily gulled?" "Easily enough, Sandy. This Sub-Treasury they think something wonderful. But it's only rum after all, by another name, and in a little different form.

Younker; "don't talk about gratitude, for a lettle favor sech as every body's got a right to, what comes into this country and gits shot by savages. We havn't done no more for you than we'd a done for any body else in like sarcumstances; and, la, sir, the pleasure o' knowing you're a going to git well agin, arter being shot by Injen's pizen bullets, is enough to pay us twenty times over Eh!

Look alive! as the money-taker recommends the Bee, you see, is already discharging her living cargo, and others are hurrying on board. The boat won't lose time in turning round she goes backwards and forwards as straight as a saw, and carries a rudder at her nose as well as one at her tail. Never mind these jolting planks, you havn't time to tumble down on with you!