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What have I done? Oh, I am mad still? 'Sign, and be saved! said the soft, sweet voice of the Egyptian. 'Tempter, never! cried Glaucus, in the reaction of rage. 'Thou knowest me not: thou knowest not the haughty soul of an Athenian! The sudden face of death might appal me for a moment, but the fear is over. Dishonour appals for ever!

The victorious faction received all their proposals with haughty suspicion; and anxiously sought for some irreconcilable mark of distinction, the rejection of which might involve the Arians in the guilt and consequences of heresy.

And in the sunlight, defended by the haughty shields of parasols, carriage after carriage went by. "Uncle James has just passed, with his female folk," said young Jolyon. His father looked black. "Did your uncle see us? Yes? Hmph! What's he want, coming down into these parts?" An empty cab drove up at this moment, and old Jolyon stopped it. "I shall see you again before long, my boy!" he said.

Like a desperate adventurer, who had cast his fortunes on some hazardous experiment, he appeared to await the issue with a resolution that was as haughty as it was unconquerable. "That topmast is bending like a whip," muttered the careful Earing, at his elbow. "Let it go; we have spare spars to put in its place," was the answer.

A further addition to these scenes of woe is the plunder of all things, sacred as well as profane; the avidity of the soldier prowling after and carrying away his prey; the wretched citizens dragged away in chains before their haughty conquerors; mothers struggling to keep with them their children; and slaughter still exercising its cruelties wherever there is the least expectation of booty.

My eyes fixed, glued, upon these haughty bourgeois, with their uncovered heads humiliated to the level of our feet, traversed the chief members kneeling or standing, and the ample folds of those fur robes of rabbit-skin that would imitate ermine, which waved at each long and redoubled genuflexion; genuflexions which only finished by command of the King.

At the same time, in spite of her forlorn position, she was strict, almost haughty in her deportment. She came of a long line of house serfs. Her father, Arefy, had been a butler for thirty years, while her grandfather, Stepan had been valet to a prince and officer of the Guards long since dead. She dressed neatly and was vain over her hands, which were certainly very beautiful.

"Praise," murmured the young lady sweetly "praise from Major Darcy is praise indeed! When `Haughty Hector' deigns to approve " The big man jumped as if he had been shot, and turned a flushed, excited face upon her. "Wh-at?" he gasped. "What do you say? You know me you know my old home name! Who are you, then? Who can you be?" The girl rose to her feet and stood before him.

They can not easily assume that which they have no right to claim. A haughty, overbearing demeanor, or a powerful drawl, is no guarantee of good breeding, and these were poor Miss Nibbs' only titles to it. I will admit that, in my fretted mood, I saw her at her worst.

Napoleon turned with a haughty movement toward his general. "Nonsense," he said, "have I not a sword at my side? But, as you wish me to go, sire as you are alarmed, I will leave! Farewell! May we meet in happier circumstances!" "Sire, up there!" said the king, solemnly, pointing toward heaven.