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Then he made for Percy's, woke him up, and discovered her placidly snoring under a wagon-box. He didn't even smile at this. He was very tired and very silent. I thought, for a moment, that I saw distrust on Dinky-Dunk's face, for the first time. But he has said nothing. I hated to see him go out to work, when we got home, but he refused to take a nap at noon, as I wanted him to.

The dog was very young, and owing to his late owner's cruelty, feared and hated the sight of a man. While she and Jack were arguing over money and motors, who should stroll in but Beau, who at sight of a stranger a man closeted with his indulgent mistress, flew into a rage. He seized Jack by the trouser-leg and began to worry it, and Jack had to choke him before the dog would let go his grip.

Two thousand Cape Cod fishermen had gone to join the colonial army, and in their absence the British ships had run in shore to land crews on mischievous errands. No man, woman, or child on the Cape but hated the troops and sailors of King George, and would do anything to work them harm.

Dunton adds of their sport: "Neither were they so apt to trip up one anothers feet and quarrel as I have often seen 'em in England" and I may add, as I have often seen 'em in New England. Playing-cards the devil's picture-books were hated by the Puritans like the very devil; and, as ever with forbidden pleasures, were a constant temptation to Puritan youth.

She hated dull lessons, and I very soon discovered that there were none other than dull. She collected stamps. She longed to have a pet monkey or a brother, she didn't much mind which.

As another said, who had been similarly treated: "It was not an enemy that reproached me, then I could have borne it; neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me, then I would have hid myself from him; but it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide and mine acquaintance; we took sweet counsel together, and walked to the house of God in company."

Yet for all that he believed he hated her and sought to hurt, to humble and to crush her, he could not stifle his admiration of her spirit's gallantry in such an hour as this. From behind the hills peeped the edge of the moon a sickle of burnished copper. "My intent is not for you to question," he replied.

Jim Dyckman and Charity Coe suddenly found themselves together. They hated it, but they could not easily escape. Jim felt that all eyes were bulging out at them. He had murder in his heart.

He had struck me over the heart and stunned me and then gone singing by. In Mary's eyes he was the better man of the two. To my eyes he was, and I hated him for it. He could go his way and I should go mine, for we must stand alone.

He would walk out to meet her, burning with impatience; and he would ask for the paper, and see a blank look come over her face. Then, of course, he would scold. He had certain phrases "How perfectly unspeakable! Perfectly paralyzing!" How she hated these phrases! "I had so many things to get!" she would exclaim. "But only one thing for me, Corydon!"