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"Who will be telling you that I wass a Pharisee?" cried Lachlan, quivering in every limb, and grasping Marget's arm. "Forgie me, Lachlan, forgie me. It was the thocht o' the misguided lassie carried me, for a' didna come tae upbraid ye." But Lachlan had sunk into a chair and had forgotten her. "She hass the word, and God will hef smitten the pride of my heart, for it iss Simon that I am.

Talk about a horse drinking well, I suppose any one would say I drank like a hass or a pig. No, I didn't, because I've only been drinking the helephant's share if he comes again not yours, Mister Archie. I do wish you were awake. Here, I say, let's have some of that bread," he said, half-aloud now; and breaking the cake in four, he placed himself in a comfortable position and took a bite.

Hazel at once appropriated the baby. It lay peacefully in her arms, staring wide-eyed, making soft, gurgly sounds. "The little dear!" Hazel murmured. "Lauer, our name iss," the man said casually, when they were seated. "Wagstaff, mine is," Bill completed the informal introduction. "So?" Lauer responded. "Id hass a German sount, dot name, yes." "Four or five generations back," Bill answered.

"All de vorlt is at vor!" said the linguist, waving his cocoa in an illustrative manner, "all de vorlt is at vor!" Bert stared southward into the dawn. It did not seem so. "All de vorlt is at vor! They haf burn' Berlin; they haf burn' London; they haf burn' Hamburg and Paris. Chapan hass burn San Francisco. We haf mate a camp at Niagara. Dat is whad they are telling us.

"I am only an American trader, knocking around to see the world a little bit. You seem to have been engaged in some scientific pursuit in that country." "Yess," he said. "Mein own government and mein own university, they send me to this country to do what hass not been done. I am insectologer. Shall I show you my bugs of Oregon? You shall see them, yess? Come with me to my hotel.

There was no lack of courage on the part of our men. I don't believe that people of British blood ever showed greater bravery, and that means bravery equal to anybody's." Mynheer Jacobus Huysman sighed heavily. "What a waste! What a waste!" he said. "Now the army hass retreated and the whole border iss uncovered. The tomahawk and scalping knife are at work.

We lifted hands to clap and opened mouths to hurrah, but she raised a warning hand. "No, vait if you pleass. "Se secondt of sose two or sree sings it is sat he Monsieur Fontenette hass ask me " Our hearts rose slowly into our throats "Ze vun qvestion to vich sare can be only se vun answeh." At this we gulped our breath like schoolgirls and glowed.

Dot Psyche hass come out fon ter grysalis! she hass drawn me dot room full mit oder Psyches, undt you haf mine pottle of gloryform in your pocket yet! Yes, ko kit ut; I vait; ach!" Presently he seemed to hear from inside a second approach.

I pushed the trinket along the table towards him. "'Tis of little value," I said, "and is always in the way when I would find anything in my pocket." "But once some one hass made it; once it hass had value. Tell me where you get it?" "North of the Platte, in our western territories," I said. "I once traded in that country." "You are American?" "Yes." "So," he said thoughtfully. "So.

It in the sacred scripters, which I hope that, like myseff, fum a chile thou hass known them, ain't you? Yass, well, thass right. I loves to see a young lady pious. I'm pious myseff. Ef I wan't a legislater I'd be a preacher. Now, you ass me the same riddle what Delijah ass Saampson. An' you know how he anseh her? He assed a riddle to her.