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The receipts at the last Harvard-Yale debate on the popular election of United States senators amounted to more than $50,000. The Greek philology team spends three-quarters of its time in touring the country. It is time to call a halt."

"A piece of thoughtfulness that expressed the spirit of the man who did it, and also the whole team, took place at the Algonquin Hotel at New London, on the eve of the Harvard-Yale game in 1914. The Algonquin is fundamentally a summer hotel, although it is open all the year. The Harvard team had their headquarters there, and naturally the place was packed with the squad and the numerous followers.

In Boston the effect on the German officers and men was unbelievable. Tremont and Boylston and Washington streets, echoing with cheers of the exulting conquerors, resembled the night of a Harvard-Yale football game when Brickley used to play for Cambridge University.

"I dare say that it was his chief motive in going to college," I interjected, a little indignantly. "I really think it was," she murmured, with sweet maternal sympathy. "I shall live though in constant dread until it is over and done with." "What is over and done with?" "The Harvard-Yale foot-ball match. It's on account of that he's been so anxious to belong.

Oh, I do hope Harvard wins! My father was a Harvard man. So are you, I remember." "Want to see it?" Cousin Tracy asked, as if seeing a Harvard-Yale game were the simplest thing possible. Blue Bonnet fairly jumped for joy. "Could I? Could we get tickets?" Cousin Tracy nodded and touched his breast pocket significantly. "I have two. Right by the cheering section."

In 1908 I had the good fortune to be selected to enter the Harvard-Yale Game at New Haven, for the purpose of scoring on Yale in a most undignified way, through the medium of a drop-kick, Haughton realizing that while a touchdown was distinctly preferable, he was not afraid to fight it out in the next best way.

Harvard could not beat Chadwick, so the game ended in a tie." Jim Rodgers, captain of that team, also has something to say of Chadwick. "In the Harvard-Yale game," Rodgers writes, "Charlie Chadwick played the game of his life. He used up about six men who played against him that day, but he never could put out Bill Edwards the day we played Princeton.

The British entry gave tremendous confidence to the stricken city and the tired Belgian soldiers a bit of pride before the fall. New faces turned up, friends in the English army met, shook hands, and discussed the outlook. One was even reminded of lighter occasions, such as the Copley-Plaza in Boston or the Hotel Taft in New Haven before an annual Harvard-Yale battle.

At the Harvard-Yale football game of 1903 the Harvard team showed superior strength in rushing the ball; they carried it almost to the Yale goal line repeatedly, but they could not, for some reason, take it over. In the instant of absolute need, the Yale line held, and when the Yale team had to score in order to win, they scored.

"Look here," he said, putting his hands on Blue Bonnet's shoulders and turning her toward the florist's window. A miniature football game was being shown in gorgeous crimson and gold settings. The field was outlined in flowers and the little men in caps and sweaters were most fascinating. Blue Bonnet gave his arm a squeeze. "It's the Harvard-Yale game, isn't it, to-morrow? I'm crazy about it.