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And yet, he was just turned forty was clear-eyed, calm-hearted, hearty-pulsed, man-strong; and yet, his history, until he was thirty, had been harum-scarum and erratic to the superlative. He had run away from a millionaire home when he was thirteen.

"I was sent to him by my father with a message, and I spoke rudely to him at first; not intentionally, but as a harum-scarum young fellow might speak to an elderly man under ordinary circumstances, I meaning nothing more than friendly familiarity. I fear you won't understand, but with you I can't help downright honesty." "Yes, I understand.

Mrs Lynch said she was a jewel, and that was extraordinary praise from the strapping widow, who seldom complimented her sex, whatever she may have felt. Mrs Welsh said she was a "dear, pritty creetur'," and laughter-loving little Mrs Nobbs, the wife of a jovial harum-scarum blacksmith, pronounced her a "perfect darling."

Sir Harry was a tall, wan, pale young man, with a strong tendency to delirium tremens; that, and consumption, appeared to be running a match for his person. He was a harum-scarum fellow, all strings, and tapes, and ends, and flue. He looked as if he slept in his clothes.

He dozed off for a few moments again. "But I've got enough in this pack to turn the world inside out with wonder ah, what a sensation it will be, what an educational feature! It will send out a hundred harum-scarum expeditions to find Polaria but there are few commanders like Captain Burrows; he could do it, the rest of 'em will die in the ice.

"Oh, I know they thought I was a harum-scarum sort of boy," he answered lightly, "and that it was a foolish thing to run away for nothing; but you had said I mustn't come to you for help " "I meant it," said Mr. Louden. "But that's seven years ago, and I suppose the town's forgotten all about it, and forgotten me, too. So, you see, I can make a fresh start. That's what I came back for."

I thought at least you would have been laid up for a month with the typhus fever! As a friend, I advise you to go home and catch something, for it is the only excuse that will serve you. I am not quite sure that it will not be high treason for me to be seen speaking to you. I tried to get at the rights of it, but he is such a harum-scarum fellow there was no succeeding.

Jack rolled over on his back and blinked at the sky. Rosalind looked at Maurice. "Would you tell him?" "No," was the prompt reply, "he wouldn't care for it." He felt certain harum-scarum Jack would only be bored by the Forest, perhaps would make fun. Jack turned his face to Rosalind, "Tell me," he urged; "Maurice doesn't know what I like." "I will, then, as soon as the girls come."

There's a man! but, no; harum-scarum fellows take their fancy. 'Is she that kind of young lady? said Mr. Austin. 'No one would have thought so. She pretends to have opinions upon politics now. It's of no use to talk of it! But Beauchamp was fully indicated. Mr. Austin proposed to Cecilia that they should spend Easter week in Rome. Her face lighted and clouded.

"You're in for it now, Jim, sure enough," he said laughing. "What will Angy say to it all?" "Tell her that I say you've been a mighty good friend to me, yet I hope I may never return any favors of the same kind." "By jocks! I hope not. I guess it's just as well she was away. She'll think we've acted just like two harum-scarum men, and will be awfully scandalized over your marrying this woman.