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At this the child started in its sleep, and cried out, "Oh! take that cold hand from my wrist!" the next moment the lady disappeared. One night, about the year 1880, Captain Marvell Hull and Lieutenant Hartland were going to the rooms occupied by the former officer. As they reached a small landing they saw distinctly in front of them a woman in a white dress.

It was important to secure the wavering De Wichehalse, the leading man of all the coast, from Mine-head down to Hartland; so that, with the full consent of all the king's advisers, Lord Auberley left court and camp to press his own suit peacefully.

I gave a gruff order, and all were at their posts again while we headed north-west. Once round the Land's End I called up my two consorts, and we met next day at Hartland Point, the south end of Bideford Bay. For the moment the Channel was clear, but the English could not know it, and I reckoned that the loss of the Olympic would stop all ships for a day or two at least.

He signed to him to come on deck. Billy saw him, and slid down rapidly by the foretop-mast-stay. On looking aft they saw Hartland and Mr Nott stretched on the deck, apparently lifeless, while the three Frenchmen, with the black, were making a furious attack on Tom Marline, who had the helm, while Paul Pringle stood by defending him with a boat's stretcher.

Hartland points out, in a quasi-mythological manner to account for supernatural ancestry, as in the cases of the physicians of Myddvai in Wales, or of the Counts of Lusignan. But on this simple basis folk tellers have developed elaborations derived from other formulæ.

True Blue instinctively discovered that he was a braggart and inclined to be a bully. Another boy was of a totally different character. At first sight, so delicate did he look that it seemed surprising that little Harry Hartland had been allowed to come to sea at all.

None of the great collections of Folk-tales, due to the industry of a Cosquin, a Hartland, or a Campbell, has preserved specimens of such a type; it is not such a story as, e.g., The Three Days Tournament, examples of which are found all over the world.

True Blue for he was the young boatswain who had been speaking looked at the sun, and then, turning himself round, in a few seconds seemed to make up his mind that they were proceeding in the right direction. "I feel uncommonly inclined to set more canvas; and yet we mustn't quit our convoy," he remarked as he moved on. "No, that wouldn't do," answered his friend, Harry Hartland.

Hartland, Devon, Acc'ts, Hist. MSS. Com. Many other examples will be found in the wardens acc'ts and elsewhere. See Hudson, op. cit., supra, 106. In 1595 two cows were bequeathed to Lapworth to be rented out at 20 d. yearly. Art. xxv, Cardwell, Doc. Ann., i, 189 ff. In North Elmham the term "office land" seems to have been used for lands set apart for the remuneration of parish servants. Cf. Mr.

This constitutes the ceremony. Tribal custom requires the bridegroom to reside with the wife’s family. Rep. Bur. Ethn. IX, p. 19. Hartland, Ibid., pp. 76-77.