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She used sentimental German words about Harriett a description of her that might have applied to Emma little emphatic tender epithets came to her from the conversations of the girls. Fraulein praised her German warmly and asked question after question about the house and garden at Barnes and presently of her mother. "I can't talk about her," said Miriam shortly.

"So you know me then?" said the lisper: "I see we shall be excellent friends;" and disengaging herself from Lady Harriett, she took my arm, and began discussing persons and things, poetry and china, French plays and music, till I found myself beside her at dinner, and most assiduously endeavouring to silence her by the superior engrossments of a bechamelle de poisson.

I think it's a duty we owe to society, Lady Arriett, to encourage morality by our own example. What else do we have rank for?" And, so saying, the counter countess drew herself up with a most edifying air of moral dignity. Lady Harriett looked at me, and perceiving that my eye said "go on," as plain as eye could possibly speak, she continued "Which of the wells do you attend, Lady Babbleton?"

Hit makes me mad ter think 'bout hit. Ef de good Lawd had wanted dat, he would hab had us all one color." "Fer a long time de relief gib me a quart ob milk a day, but now all I has ez w'at mah sistah Harriett gibs me. She sin' got much wuk en sum days we don' hab much ter eat. Ef mah Missis wuz livin' I wouldin' go hongry." INTERVIEW WILEY CHILDRESS 808 Gay St. Nashville, Tennessee

She tried to distract her thoughts.... Fancy Jimmie's name being Christina.... It suited her exactly sitting there in her little striped dressing-gown with its "toby" frill. How Harriett would scream if she could see them all sitting round.

Phillips entered his house than Emily clung round his neck; Harriett mounted on one knee and played with his hair; Constance got on the other to have a little similar amusement with his beard and whiskers; Hubert clamoured for a ride on papa's foot; and little Eva cried to leave her nurse's arms to be taken up by him too. "I was very glad to hear from Mr.

The little German garden was disappearing from Miriam's eyes.... It was cruel, cruel that she was not going to wear her blouses at home, at the tennis-club... with Harriett.... It was all beginning again, after all the spring and tennis and presently boating things were going on... the smash had not come... why had she not stayed... just one more spring?... how silly and hurried she had been, and there at home in the garden lilac was quietly coming out and syringa and guelder roses and May and laburnum and... everything... and she had run away, proud of herself, despising them all, and had turned herself into Miss Henderson,... and no one would ever know who she was.... Perhaps the blouses would make a difference it must be extraordinary to have blouses.... Slommucky... untidy and slommucky Lilla's mother had called them... and perhaps they would not fit her....

She was in a condition of terrible poverty and shame, but at once consented, on hearing of her mother's enquiries, to go into one of our Canadian Rescue Homes. She is now doing well. Her mother's joy may be imagined. Mrs. M., Clevedon, one of Harriett P.'s old mistresses, wrote us, in deep concern, about this girl.

Harriett remembers little about the selling of slaves because this was never done on the Bellinger plantation. All slaves were considered a part of the estate and to sell one, meant that it was no longer intact. There were rumors of the war but the slaves on the Bellinger place did not grasp the import of the war until their master went to fight on the side of the Rebel army.

Harriett would have liked to accompany them, and threw out hints to show that she expected an invitation; but her sister-in-law thought they had done quite enough for her, having her all that time in London, and taking her about everywhere. Jane was to be left in charge of the children, and Elsie was to go with her mistress. Now that Mrs.