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"We have looked the evil in the face, and know its direful quality." "Come! I would like to talk with you, Mr. Lyon." Mr. Hargrove, his son, and Mr. Lyon went out together. As they left the room, Frank Slade said: "What a cursed liar and hypocrite he is!" "Who?" was asked. "Why, Lyon," answered Frank, boldly. "You'd better say that to his face."

He knew that he had been greatly fascinated by Miss Hargrove, and, what was worse, her power had not declined after he had awakened to his danger; but he felt that Amy and all the family would despise him indeed, that he would despise himself should he so speedily transfer his allegiance; and under the spur of this dread he made especial, though very unobtrusive, efforts to prove his loyalty to Amy.

The truth was daily growing clearer to Amy that under our vivid American skies the grand passion is not a fiction of romance or a quiet arrangement between the parties concerned. Miss Hargrove had not misjudged herself. Her tropical nature, when once kindled, burned with no feeble, wavering flame. She had passed the point of criticism of Burt.

A heavy-limbed willow, which overhung a rock on which I had often sat to watch the freshets of spring, rose up while we looked at it, and with a surging heave, as if lifted by an earthquake, toppled back, and was swept rushingly away." "How I would have liked to see it!" exclaimed Miss Hargrove. "I can see it," said Amy, leaning back, and closing her eyes. "I can see it all too vividly.

Hargrove and the rest, while Nell whirled by in her rakish little car on her way to the Square and called that she would be back. When Nell used a thousand dollars of her own money, left her by her grandmother, to buy that little Buick, Glendale promptly had a spell of epilepsy that lasted for days.

Lyon, whom I now recognized as the person with whom I had held several conversations during previous visits. "Thank you, Mr. Lyon," said Mr. Hargrove, "for this manly interference. It is no more than I should have expected from you." "I never suffer a young man to strike an old man," said Lyon firmly. "Apart from that, Mr.

To borrow an illustration from Nature, who, after all, was to blame for what was developing in each heart, a rapid growth of root was taking place, and the flower and fruit would inevitably manifest themselves in time. Miss Hargrove naturally had the best command over herself. She had taken her course, and would abide by it, no matter what she might suffer.

Ere the sun had gone down behind the sombre frozen firs that fringed the hills of V Dr. Hargrove had written to Mr. Peleg Peterson, desiring to be furnished with some clue by which he could trace Minnie Merle, and Hannah had been despatched to the post office, to expedite the departure of the letter.

Oh! don't you wish we were going with him to India?" "Indeed I do, from the depths of my soul. What shall we do without our Bishop?" Bending over the girl the mother wept unrestrainedly, but Mr. Hargrove called from the threshold: "Come, Elise." As Mrs. Lindsay turned to leave the room, she beckoned to Hannah.

With all your experience of such society, I have perfect faith in you, and could trust you implicitly." "Have you truly faith in me?" "Yes," said Amy, with quiet emphasis. Miss Hargrove drew a long breath, and then said: "That little word may do me more good than all the sermons I ever heard. Many would try to be different if others had more faith in them.