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And in seeing so much of them I realize as never before the hardship of the constant separation from my own which my profession entails, as I ask myself, 'If I were with them thus day after day, should I find them as obedient, docile, and intelligent as these little ones? Will my Max be as fine a lad as Harold or Herbert?

Courtly dignities are suited to courtly services; but they are no suitable crown for rough labour and hardship at sea, or for the fulfilment of a man's self by lights within him; no suitable crown for any solitary labour whatsoever, which must always be its own and only reward.

But when I came to talk to him I soon found that he was even worse to deal with than the boatswain; for although perhaps not quite so ignorant as the latter, he was still ignorant enough to be convinced by the specious arguments of the Socialist, to readily accept the doctrine of perfect equality between all men, and like most of those whose labour is of an arduous character, and whose life is one of almost constant hardship and privation to be dazzled by the alluring prospect of being able to live out the rest of his days on an island where according to Wilde Nature would do all the work, and man would only need to stretch forth his hand to gather in her bounties.

There is no help for it; I must make up my mind one way or another." "Stick by us, and make up your mind to it," said Bianchon. "Bear up bravely, and trust in hard work." "But what is hardship for you is death for me," Lucien put in quickly. "Before the cock crows thrice," smiled Leon Giraud, "this man will betray the cause of work for an idle life and the vices of Paris."

When in his manhood's prime he was abundant in labors, and though he was without any scholastic attainments he had a keen mother wit, good sense, and good natural gifts as a public speaker; and, working in poverty, exposure, hardship, misrepresentation, and implacable opposition, he was one of the men that laid the foundations of the cause in Western Missouri.

But I would not have you fancy that I regret the past for any happiness found in it, or that I fear the simplicity and hardship of the country. 'Nay, sir, not that, at least, said Nance; 'not discontented. If I were to be discontented, how should I look those that have real sorrows in the face?

Garrison was filled and possessed with one idea the wrongs of the slave, and the instant, pressing, universal duty of giving him freedom. It was in him an unselfish and heroic passion. For it he cheerfully accepted hardship, obloquy, peril.

Mr Berecroft had made every preparation for his voyage, when an unexpected circumstance occurred, which eventually proved the occasion of great hardship and danger to Newton.

More and more she thought of Gilbert as the dreariness of Digby Street closed round her days. If her baby had lived, would life have been easier for her, or would it only have meant as she had first believed in her days of panic that it would mean an added hardship, a haunting shame?

My father had been for years a clergyman in the Valley, preaching now in Dutch, now in German, according to the nationality of the people, and leading a life of much hardship, travelling up and down among them. It is not my business to insist that he was a great man, but it is certain that through all my younger years I received kindnesses from many people because I was my father's son.