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Here, then, is a great mass of experience from which it would seem that we ought to be able to say precisely how the intellects of the two sexes act and react under the stimulus of serious study, to decide definitely whether their attack on problems is the same, whether they come out the same. Nevertheless, he would be a rash observer who would pretend to lay down hard-and-fast generalizations.

The people were prone enough in that direction, and for a priest to give scandal instead of setting a good example was about as bad as anything that could happen in the parish. But what was he to do? There was no hard-and-fast rule about anything, and Father Oliver felt that Moran must have his chance.

His thoughts took a graver turn. "It's where you'll bump up against Chance like this, George, that you feel the need of religion. Your hard-and-fast scientific men your Spencers and Huxleys they don't understand that. I do. I've thought of it a lot lately in bed and about. I was thinking of it this morning while I shaved.

The party in power called itself Democratic, but was in fact a body of reactionary nondescripts claiming to be Unionists and clinging, or pretending to cling, to the hard-and-fast prejudices of other days.

Should he be obliged to spend his life in it. He'd find that out pretty quick, and then, if there was no hard-and-fast law against it, him for little old New York again, if he had to give up the whole thing and live on ten per. If he had been a certain kind of youth, his discontent would have got the better of him, and he might have talked a good deal to Mr.

As if a father could not be a fool like anybody else! That a child should have hard-and-fast opinions it is engaging. Children are egocentric. A fellow of this size ought to be less positive. These refined youths are fastidious about their clothes. They would not dream of buying a ready-made suit, however well-fitting. They are content to take their opinions second-hand.

It is not in human nature to see the whole cogency of facts that make for the other side. In all arguments, therefore, it must be remembered that we are; constantly swinging backward and forward from matters of fact to matters of policy. In practice no hard-and-fast line separates the various classes and types; in the arguments of real life we mingle them naturally and unconsciously.

Now, I won't dogmatically assert that talent and genius are exactly one and the same thing; but I do assert that genius is simply talent raised to a slightly higher power; it differs from it not in kind but merely in degree: it is talent at its best. There is no drawing a hard-and-fast line of demarcation between the two.

I should think so indeed! a hard-and-fast bargain! not easy to get out of, I can tell you! not easy to get out of! And it has cost me a pretty penny, too!" Robin Clifford glanced at him enquiringly. "How's that?" he asked "You generally make rather than spend!" Jocelyn gave a sudden loud laugh. "So I do, boy, so I do! But sometimes one has to spend to make!

You set out every time upon a new adventure. I liked to schottische with her; she had so much spring and variety, and was always putting in new steps and slides. She taught me to dance against and around the hard-and-fast beat of the music. If, instead of going to the end of the railroad, old Mr.