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I read the caligraphy on a blue sheet of paper, and it was written by a woman in Wyoming, a neat, earnest, harassed, and possibly rather harassing woman, and she wanted all sorts of things and wanted them intensely I could see that with clearness. This complex purchase was an important event in her year.

Had he seen too much, his thoughts might have been split and exhausted upon too many points, and would thus have been so perplexed and harassed, that the value of his productions, now known and current through all classes, might scarcely have exceeded a negative quantity. Then, in his companions he must be accounted fortunate.

She prayed Selina might arrive first: then she would have more time to think of something that harassed her particularly the question of whether she ought to tell Lionel that she had seen her in a far-away corner of the town with Captain Crispin.

Isaac Angelus, the Greek emperor, who had promised to furnish the German troops with provisions and assist Frederick in all ways, with the proverbial duplicity of his nation, broke his word, harassed him on his march, and threw Count von Diez, his ambassador, into prison; which treachery greatly incensed the emperor, and caused him to give permission to his soldiers to plunder; the results being that the country soon bore sad traces of their passage, and that the two important towns of Manioava and Philippopolis were completely destroyed.

Lafayette, sent by Washington to maintain the American cause, had been too weak to act decisively, but he had been true to his general's teaching, and, refusing battle, had hung upon the flanks of the British and harassed and checked them.

"Only the addition of the veil, it would have to be a very thick one, I am sure, could make me doubt my own eyes. They are witnesses whose testimony it will be very hard to shake." Her manner underwent another transformation, as swift as it was unexpected. A troubled, harassed expression came into her eyes, driving out the sparkle that had filled them during that all too brief exchange.

Even the Gauls seemed now to have forgotten him, and Carthage itself did not send him aid. Fabius strove to keep to the high lands, where it was impossible for Hannibal to attack him, while he harassed him or tried to shut him up in some defile. In the spring of the year 216, both parties were prepared for a more terrible struggle than had yet been seen.

"Hearing things?" "Yes," he exclaimed. "I may be busy, I may be harassed by tricksters and bunglers, but I am not too busy not to care something about my daughter's doings. I expect them to deceive me, Victoria, but I pinned my faith somewhere. I pinned it on you. On you, do you understand?" She raised her head for the first time and looked at him, with her lips quivering. But she did not speak.

Therefore, if these hidden things of the heart ought to be confessed at all, only those things should be confessed which involve full consent to the deed; and such things happen very rarely or never to those who wish to lead pious lives, even though they are constantly harassed by desires and passions.

For an old letter, this was much. For a letter two months old, it did marvels; if it had been a year old it would have done miracles. First catch your Boer, then kick him. Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar. Those latter days were days of bitter worry and trouble for the harassed Reformers. From Mrs. Jameson's inroad." It also publishes its intention to adhere to the Manifesto.