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Even grey-bearded men of dignified bearing, and wives and mothers whose looks augured gentle hearts thrust back the few hapless foes who had succeeded in reaching the land on the ruins of the war-chariots or baggage-wagons.

The old woman instantly retired, and Amabel briefly related her hapless story to the enthusiast. "May I hope for forgiveness?" she inquired, as she concluded. "Assuredly," replied Solomon Eagle, "assuredly! You have not erred wilfully, but through ignorance, and therefore have committed no offence. You will be forgiven but woe to your deceiver, here and hereafter." "Oh' say not so," she cried.

Comparatively few fell before the bullets or machetes of the insurgents for, as we shall see, the revolutionists adopted the tactics of Fabius but by thousands they succumbed to fevers of every kind. Death without glory was the hapless lot of the Spanish conscript. The Patriot generals, Maximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo, met this situation with consummate skill.

"If you do, I shall cease to believe you and I like to believe you," she added, with a glance like Saint Theresa leering at heaven. Every time he made her a present there was a fortress to be stormed, a conscience to be over-persuaded. The hapless Baron laid deep stratagems to offer her some trifle costly, nevertheless proud of having at last met with virtue and the realization of his dreams.

"Hapless and dearest comrade, you it was who would get a good dinner ready for me at once and without delay when the Achaeans were hasting to fight the Trojans; now, therefore, though I have meat and drink in my tents, yet will I fast for sorrow.

Had the news of the outbreak of Meerut been sent by a swift mounted messenger, the whole of these hapless people would have had time to leave the town before the arrival of the mutineers. Those in the cantonments outside the city fared somewhat better.

There was only one spot where even in moderate weather a landing could be without difficulty effected on Ossa Skerry. Still Morton and his friend resolved to attempt it. There was not a moment to be lost, already, probably, numbers of the hapless crew were being swept to destruction. They hurried down the cliff, sprang on board the boat, and shoved off.

As soon as the illustrious Naashon had pressed one of the oldest of these hapless men like a brother to his heart, the other liberated bondsmen had flung themselves into the shepherds' arms and thus, still shouting: "They are coming!" and "The Lord, the God of our fathers, is our leader!" they pressed forward in an increasing multitude.

A note on the last leaf explains that the MS. was on the point of being carried beyond seas, when a customs officer, one Baldwin Smith, in the port of London seized and presented it to the Queen, in October 1553, the first year of her reign. The writer does not record whether the hapless owner was indemnified for his loss.

He gave toleration to the idolaters who still existed, and when the people of Suzdal were about to massacre some hapless women whom they accused of having brought on a famine by sorcery, he stayed their hands and saved the poor victims from death.