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At last accounts the treasures had not been reached, and this incident is mentioned only to show how this belief in buried treasures continues even to the present day. There is a legend which differs somewhat from the ordinary run of these stories, and it is told about a little island on the coast of Cape Cod, which is called Hannah Screecher's Island, and this is the way its name came to it.

Sometimes I fancy he's gone off to the Cape." "More likely to the provinces with a band of strolling players. He told me he thought of throwing up the law for the boards, and I know you cannot make a beginning in London." "Do you think that's it?" said Hannah, looking relieved in her turn. "I feel sure that's the explanation, if he's not in London.

From Lise she had been prepared for suspicion, arraignment, ridicule. What a vindication if it were disclosed that she, Janet, had a lover and that lover Ditmar! But Lise said nothing. She was remote, self-absorbed. Hannah spoke about it on the evenings Janet stayed at home. She would not consent to meet Ditmar every evening.

While warmly attached to all his nearest relations, Macaulay lived in the closest and most frequent companionship with his sisters Hannah and Margaret, younger than himself by ten and twelve years respectively. His affection for these two, deep and enduring as it was, had in it no element of blindness or infatuation.

"Well," I said to myself tartly, "she will now have to choose between Aunt Hannah and me," and feeling cock-sure, after all that had occurred between us, that I should be the favoured one and that Aunt Hannah would be metaphorically relegated to the scrap-heap, I decided to approach Dulcie at once. No, first I must see the original of that telegram, I reflected.

'Shipwrecked people, I imagine, said Hannah; and then, turning to Alan and myself, he added, with a laugh, 'Perhaps there's a fine big lump of a ship ashore about here, and you fellows are bound to get some fine pickings might get the ship herself afloat.

'Sit up, Sandy, and tell your great-uncle and aunt about the fine games you've been having with your cousin. But Sandy was lost in quite other reflections. He looked out upon Hannah and Reuben with grave filmy eyes, as though from a vast distance, and said absently: 'Daddy! 'Yes, Sandy, speak up. 'Daddy, when everybody in the world was babies, who put 'em to bed?

When I saw Hannah More, she was really at ease in her possessions; and none who loved her less than the Lord himself did, would have laid a sorrow upon her grey hairs. Man would have decreed that such a full-ripe shock of corn should be brought into the garner without further ruffling or shaking.

"Fal-de-ral!" cried Hannah scornfully. "Of course they care! Any one would should myself, but you needn't look so hang-dog, my dear. It's not your fault, and I am quite comfortable, thank you. If any man ever wants to marry me, I'll know jolly well that it's for myself, and that he really loves me through and through.

And Aunt Hannah wishes you many happy returns. Uncle Meshach came back from the Isle of Man last night. He gave me a note for you. Here it is. 'I can't take it now, my dear. Give it me afterwards. 'I think Uncle Meshach's a horrid old thing! said Ethel. 'My dear girl! Why? 'Oh! I do. I'm glad he's only father's uncle and not ours. I do hate that name. Fancy being called Meshach!