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Charlie was very handsomely got up for the occasion. Emily, Esther, Caddy in fact, all of them agreed that he never looked better in his life. "That is owing to me all my doings," said Kinch exultingly. "He wanted to order his suit of old Forbes, who hasn't looked at a fashion-plate for the last ten years, and I wouldn't let him.

On their return to it they found breakfast ready, which they discussed with good appetites; and then paying the old man handsomely for the food and lodging he had afforded them, hastened out again, intending to ride off without further delay. Stephen led out his horse, and Andrew followed, when, as he was about to mount, he exclaimed, "Why, the poor animal is lame."

Sinclair, has been wishing for a school library for you," he continued, "so I have to-day brought my contribution towards it." And as the banker spoke he untied the great bundles of handsomely bound natural history books enriched with many beautiful colored pictures, and a number of volumes of stories of animals.

But his whole exterior was changed, and as he seemed to be very busy over some writing, I did not have a good chance to verify my suspicions. He did not wish a copyist, but his friend Brown did, and was willing to pay handsomely for such services.

Mother Rigby stood at the threshold, well pleased to see how the sunbeams glistened on him, as if all his magnificence were real, and how diligently and lovingly he smoked his pipe, and how handsomely he walked in spite of a little stiffness of his legs. She watched him until out of sight and threw a witch-benediction after her darling when a turn of the road snatched him from her view.

His whole attitude was one of enmity and disloyalty to the Admiral who had so handsomely recommended him to the notice of the Sovereigns; and so undisguised was his attitude that even the Indians began to lodge their complaints and to see a chance by which they might escape from the intolerable burden of the gold tribute.

The moon had just gone down and the gray streaks of the morning were faintly visible in the east, when the signal rocket went up, and the line of skirmishers were ordered to advance, which they did handsomely, driving in the enemy easily.

Romaine continued to address me, thus: "If you will solemnly promise to say nothing about having seen me in this room, I will reward you handsomely." I readily gave the required promise, whereupon my pious employer presented me with a five-dollar bill, which I received with all the nonchalance in the world. I then withdrew, and reached my own room without encountering any more adventures.

The Potter Palmer block, chiefly occupied as a gigantic draper's shop here called a Dry Goods' Store is an immense pile of buildings, with massive marble front handsomely carved.

A younger brother of a good family, having a manor left him by his father, by the name of which he has been known and honoured, cannot handsomely leave it; ten years after his decease it falls into the hand of a stranger, who does the same: do but judge whereabouts we shall be concerning the knowledge of these men.