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"Well, well," answered Old Grannis, timidly, rubbing his chin, "I I'm sure I can't quite say; a little habit, you know; a diversion, a a it occupies one, you know. I don't smoke; it takes the place of a pipe, perhaps." "Here's this old yellow pitcher," said Maria, coming out of the closet with it in her hand. "The handle's cracked; you don't want it; better give me it."

On the day that she came upon him, his head fallen at a curious angle against the black tin box, his hands, asprawl, clutching the papers that strewed the table, she was appalled, not at what she found, but at the leap her heart gave at what she found. Herman Handle's sudden death was one of the least of the tragedies that trailed in the wake of the devastating panic.

Offitt took it in his hand and balanced and tested it. "Pretty good hammer. Handle's a leetle thick, but pretty good hammer." "Ought to be," said Sam. "Paid enough for it." "Where d'you get it?" "Ware & Harden's." "Sam," said Offitt, he was still holding the hammer and giving himself light taps on the head with it, "Sam." "Well, you said that before."

The old woman went apart, and returned with a hammer which was used for breaking coals. 'Oh, could you just wipe it? Thyrza said. 'The handle's so very black. It was done, ungraciously enough, and Thyrza hastened back. Egremont was standing as she had left him. 'Ah, now I can manage! Thank you. With absorbed interest Thyrza watched the process.

The sun sleeps each night beneath water, but it is so hot that it is soon dried when it comes out of its bed in the morning. This is the Great Spirit's doings, and not ours. The sun is his sun; the Indians can warm themselves by it, but they cannot shorten its journey a single tomahawk handle's length.

"I'm old enough to be your father, for one thing, and for another a handle's all right on a jug or a sasspan, but don't seem as if 'twas necessary to take hold of a friend's name by. And I hope we're goin' to be friends, we three." Crawford said he hoped so, too, and he said it with emphasis. "Good!" exclaimed the Captain with enthusiasm.

The grass was short close to the road, and Levin, who had not done any mowing for a long while, and was disconcerted by the eyes fastened upon him, cut badly for the first moments, though he swung his scythe vigorously. Behind him he heard voices: "It's not set right; handle's too high; see how he has to stoop to it," said one. "Press more on the heel," said another.

Like some melodiously contending anthem of Handle's, I said, of Richard's meek "undoing" of himself in the mirror-scene; and, in fact, the play of Richard the Second does, like a musical composition, possess a certain concentration of all its parts, a simple continuity, an evenness in execution, which are rare in the great dramatist.

"Oh, yes, when she was going away she said how much she would like to have either of us visit her. Is that all?" "It's something, isn't it? Enough to make a handle of, when a handle's needed." "But why is a handle needed?" "I'm going to tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Mother had a letter from Sir Gilbert Mantell this morning." "Oh, that big, splashy crest was his, then.

His sledge he carefully hid on the second floor, in an office at the left of the stairway. "Don't think much of this hammer, after all," said he. "What I need is an ax. Perhaps this afternoon I can have another go at that hardware place and find one. "If the handle's gone, I can heft it with green wood.