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"Handcuffs?" he asked Rawlins. Rawlins ran his hands deftly over the Panamanian's clothing. "No armed neutrality for me," he grinned. "All right. We'll forget the bracelets since you haven't a gun." Puffing at his cigarette, Paredes got his coat and hat and followed the detective from the house.

I did not fall overboard. I was bound hand and foot, had a mass of iron tied to my feet, and was thrown out of a port-hole by the Prince and his captain. Of course, I got rid of the rope and the iron even more easily than this man got rid of your handcuffs a short time ago, and after keeping myself afloat for half an hour or so, I was picked up by a fishing-boat which took me to Stralsund.

"'Ah, the atrocious villain, if I thought I should ever have the satisfaction of springing them upon his wrists, I'd buy them at my own proper cost! said the sheriff, taking them in his hands and examining them curiously. "'Ah! he's a man of Belial, that same Black Donald thee'd better buy the handcuffs, John, said I.

He will swear that I arrived a full ten minutes before the hour, fifteen minutes before any whisper of the accident, and that I did not leave the office or the balcony all that time. No one ever had so complete an alibi; I could subpoena half Westminster. I think you had better put the handcuffs away again. The case is at an end.

He went in and put them all and severally through a rigid examination pulling their hair and beards, rubbing their faces with a clean handkerchief in quest of any trace of "make-up" or disguise of any sort, examining their badges and the marks on the handcuffs they carried with them to make sure that they bore the sign which he himself had scratched upon them in the privacy of his own room a couple of hours ago.

We've no handcuffs here, and one of us has to go to the lock-up and the other to Washington street, where there's a woman yelling blue murder; and hurry up, please, sir." The gentleman threw down a rope, and in two minutes Jenkins' wrists were tied together, and he was walked through the gate, saying bad words as fast as he could to the policeman who was leading him.

He tried to move, but stiff with cold his limbs refused their office, and he nearly fell down. He took a step forward and his feet struck against the handcuffs. He stooped down and picked them up, comforting himself with the reflection, that bad as was his case, it might have been worse had they been transferred to his wrists.

"Where is my brother Dick?" Before Arnold Baxter could reply Dan put in an appearance, carrying a pair of handcuffs. "Now, we'll get square with you, Tom Rover," said the bully harshly. "What do you intend to do?" "Make you a prisoner. Hold out your hands." "And if I refuse?" "You won't refuse," put in Arnold Baxter, and, lowering his pistol, he leaped behind Tom and caught him by the arms.

It would kill that dear old man to learn this; and so he's not going to learn it, and the law's not going to get its own." He twitched out his hand, and something tinkled on the floor. "Get up!" he said sharply. "There's the key of the handcuffs; take it and set yourself free. Do you know what's going to happen to you? To-morrow morning Dr.

Then his hands went quickly behind him, and they all heard the click of the handcuffs. The man in the sombrero and shirt-sleeves was first to come alive. "Duck, Bart!" he shouted, whipping a weapon from its convenient shelf under the table's edge. But Judson, trained to the swift handling of many mechanisms in the moment of respite before a wreck or a derailment, was ready for him.