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"Then, on that night things were very much in the air. My position was a very delicate one. I was keenly anxious to get some definite word from Gurker, but was hampered by Ralphs' presence. I was using the best power of my brain to keep that light and careless talk not too obviously directed to the point that concerns me. I had to.

Here the Professor shows a lucid interval. He points out that if the soul is really hampered by the body, it is strange that a blow on a man's head should "retard the action of his thoughts."

"I take the gods to witness that Thou dost astonish us, worthiness," cried Mentezufis. "The shades of the pharaohs would be more astonished if they heard that in this same Egypt in which the power of the pharaoh is hampered, some Chaldean trickster is influencing the fate of the nation." "I do not believe my own ears," replied Mentezufis. "What dost Thou say of some Chaldean?"

No doubt a reduction in either individual or corporation taxes alone would be of great help but corporations need customers and job seekers need jobs. No doubt tax reduction without reform would sound simpler and more attractive to many but our growth is also hampered by a host of tax inequities and special preferences which have distorted the flow of investment.

His son, Amenophis IV., was, however, just as little inclined as his father to walk in the steps of his warlike ancestors. Hampered apparently by bodily defects, this Son of the Sun tried his strength in a field often far more dangerous than the battlefield.

Good healthy boys of fourteen are not hampered and harassed by ambition ambition, like love, camps hot upon our trail later. Ambition is the concomitant of rivalry, and sex is its chief promoter it is a secondary sex manifestation. The boy simply had a little intuitive skill in drawing, and the exercise of the talent was a gratification.

These fellows," indicating the native helpers who were now scattered about the camp busily preparing for the evening meal "are all well enough in their way, and since poor Butler's death I have managed to drill them into something like decent, useful shape; but I have often been badly hampered for the want of another surveyor who could work with me in surmounting some of the especially bad places.

In 1368 Henry reentered Castille; its towns threw open their gates; a general rising chased Pedro from the throne, and a final battle in the spring of 1369 saw his utter overthrow. His murder by Henry's hand left the bastard undisputed master of Castille. Meanwhile the Black Prince, sick and disheartened, was hampered at Bordeaux by the expenses of the campaign which Pedro had left unpaid.

Her discontented face showed that she was one of the many victims of arrested development, still hampered in middle age by the egotistic longings of youth. In youth we all want to receive instead of to give, to be loved, to be served, to be admired. Middle age is the time to reverse engines, the time to love, to serve, to give rather than to receive.

The outside public is becoming a little squeamish about prison killing. But in Russia there is no public opinion, or none that is audible, and the prison guards there are not hampered in their work by the necessity of doing it under cover, as they are here. It is a question which method is preferable. I believe some of our prisoners would vote for the open way of killing and torturing.