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The tall lady came toward us smiling broadly. She exclaimed above the din: "How can I thank you? I see you have brought home our little wanderer Giftie, how can you treat Colin so? Poor Colin lift him up, Giles, she's going to bite him again I suppose there are pups in the hamper. Let's see, boys." We uncovered the hamper proudly. The three puppies lay curled like little sea anemones.

She swept round again, and recommenced firing, and one of her shot passed through the second cutter, in which I was stationed, ripping open three of her planks, and wounding two men beside me. The boat, heavy with the gun, ammunition chests, etcetera, immediately filled and turned over with us, and it was with difficulty that we could escape from the weighty hamper that was poured out of her.

In order to counter the use of lachrymatory compounds by the enemy, compounds which penetrated the helmet insufficiently to cause serious casualties but sufficiently to hamper the individual by lachrymation, goggles were introduced in which the eyes were protected by rims of rubber sponge.

Rosanna picked up her cape and a thermos bottle and skipped down the broad steps after the house boy, who carried the heavy lunch hamper. "Never you mind, Minnie," she said. "Wouldn't you be s'prised to see us eat every bit of it?" "No, I wouldn't," said Minnie firmly. "I'd be scared."

Over the camisole, in 1910, came a blouse, pernickety and shiftless about its waist fastening; and finally a hobble skirt, chiefly kept up by safety pins, and so cut below as to hamper free movement of the limbs as much as possible.

"I'd begun ter hope thet atter all a leader hed done riz up amongst us, but I sees when ye talks erbout peace ye means a peace fer other folks thet don't bind ner hamper yoreself. Thar hain't nuthin' but folly in seekin' ter build on a quicksand like thet." "I told ye fust-off thet we war a-wastin' time an' breath," broke out Opdyke, furiously.

Craven looked at him curiously for a few moments, and then he smiled. "You're a good fellow, Said," he said quietly, taking the cigarette the other offered, "but I'll go as I am, all the same. I'm not used to your picturesque togs, they would only hamper me."

The pair now swiftly returned to the hollow, once again folded the tent, closed their hamper, saddled the horses, and struck out swiftly for the trail. They had practised eyes, and were soon convinced that both parties had gone by this route. Their horses were fairly fresh and they pushed on at high speed.

He put down the empty mug and made a careful examination of the floor, until a musical rapping on the table brought the landlord into the room again. "My best respects," he said, gratefully, as he placed the mug on the settle by his side and slowly filled a long clay pipe. Next time you see Bob Pretty ask 'im wot happened to the prize hamper.

At that moment, Madame gave him a box of the ear so loud that it was heard some paces off, and given as it was before the whole court, covered the poor prince with confusion, and overwhelmed the countless spectators with prodigious astonishment." That did not prevent or hamper the marriage, which took place with great pomp at Versailles on the 18th of February, 1692.