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Sloyd came to the door which opened on the garden, and greeted her. He was as smart as usual, his tie a new creation, his hat mirroring the sun. Cecily was shabby from necessity and somewhat touzled from lolling in the hammock. She looked up at him, smiling in a lazy amusement. "Do you ever wear the same hat twice?" she asked. "Must have a good hat in my profession, Miss Gainsborough.

He knew that if the wind should drive the flames into the drift the whole pile would be destroyed in a very brief time, but in that case, he reasoned, the black smoke of the resinous pine would make it impossible for the Indians to see very far in that direction, and so he resolved, if the worst came, to lead his companions out of the upper end of the hammock, into the bushes and so escape to the creek, where he hoped to find a hiding-place of some sort.

Between them the professor sat, with his arms still folded, a benevolent yet pensive smile upon his lips. "I have decided," Edith remarked, stopping the swinging of the hammock with her foot, "to write and ask Mr. Bomford to come and spend the week-end here." Burton shook his head. "Please don't think of it," he begged. "It would completely upset me.

Look at me: risin' eighty-six year, I be, an' aint never tasted nothin' all my life 'cept salt-hoss, an' ship-bread, an' rum; never slep' nowheres 'cept in a hammock, an' had to turn out on deck an' stand watch in all kinds of weather. An' wuth today nine hundred an' sixty-six thousand, seven hundred an' forty-three dollars, an' thirty-two cents. "'Twenty-two cents, corrected the bookkeeper.

Martin heaved a sigh of disappointment, and proceeded to unfasten the hammock from the trees to which it had been tied. For a moment Raybold looked as if he were about to interfere, but there was something in the feverish agility of the young guide which made his close proximity as undesirable as that of a package of dynamite. Margery turned to leave the place, but suddenly stopped.

He crammed his bag and a lot of other things into his blanket, which he rolled up so as to represent a sort of lay figure, stowing this into his hammock at turning-in time, just before the `out lights' sounded. Keeping as grave as a judge, Mick then went up to the corporal.

Yates extricated himself slowly and reluctantly from the hammock, and looked regretfully at it when he stood once more on the ground. "This mad struggle for bread, professor, is the curse of life here below. It is what we are all after. If it were not for the necessity of bread and clothing, what a good time a fellow might have. Well, my blessing, Renny. Good-by."

"Miss Bostwick," he called, "any time you are ready the boy will come in and lay the table for breakfast." She ran to the companionway, pushed back the door, and appeared smiling in the frame of the doorway. "Good morning, captain!" Her cheerfulness was infectious. All night Tunis Latham, even while lying in his hammock in the forecastle, had been ruminating in anything but a cheerful mood.

Martin laughed heartily as he lay in his hammock and watched his friend's expression while pondering this weighty subject. "Moreover," resumed the hermit, "you will be surprised to hear that diamond and gold finding is not the most profitable employment in this country. "The man who cultivates the ground is better off than anybody.

"Yes," answered Tilly, turning and looking down at the occupant of the hammock; "I think 'Jack Hall' is the jolliest kind of a book. I've read it twice." Will jerked himself up into a sitting posture, as he ejaculated in pleased astonishment, "Come, I say now!" "Yes," went on Tilly; "I think it's one of the best books I ever read, that part about the boat-race I've read over three or four times."