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Not a shadow, to the very last, came to dim the brightness of those days; and in remembrance the brightness lingers still. But I must go back again to the June days when Shenac's peace was new. The light came in through the western window, not from the sun, but from the glory he had left behind; and with his face upturned towards the golden clouds, Hamish sat gazing, as if he saw heaven beyond.

The grave, quiet man seemed transformed when he stood in the pulpit He spoke with authority, as one who knew from deep, blessed experience the things which he made known, and no wonder that all listened eagerly. Hamish was very happy in the renewal of their friendship, and Allister was almost as happy in coming to know the minister.

"That is a foolish thing to say," answered Hamish, also speaking in the Gaelic; "for I have seen many pictures of trains; and do you say that the engines are bigger than the engines of the Pioneer, or the Dunara Castle, or the Clansman that goes to Stornoway? Do not talk such nonsense to me.

MacGregor's tired horse was withdrawn from its feed, and Hamish, his father, and Gibbie set out for Ardnavoir. 'Neil's cleared, announced Hamish; and every one turned round to encounter the strange-looking figure of the gipsy. Finding himself among so many people, Gibbie became suspicious and refused to speak, but the faces of his companions rendered all explanation unnecessary.

"I accept a new anthropological dogma. Man is only the fort-builder woman is the home-maker!" "Yes," said Odalie in content and pride, surveying her treasures, as she conducted him about the place, for he had not been here since the completion of the improvements; "I often say that this is home!" "But never in French," put in Hamish at her elbow.

"You speak like the Saxon priest already," replied his mother; "will you not better stay, and ask a kirk from Macallum Mhor, that you may preach forgiveness to the race of Dermid?" "Yesterday was yesterday," answered Hamish, "and to-day is to-day.

There was a stove in it, one of the latest kind, for use; but there was a great wide fireplace too, for pleasure; and all the light that was in the room came from the great maple logs and glowing embers. Little Flora had gone to the mill with Dan, Hamish was at his uncle's, and the other lads were not come in; so they had the house to themselves.

After the morning feed the battle began, for Chieftain had a devil, but I think Dan had seven of that ilk. "It's him or me, Hamish," he would croon, "him or me, but I'm likin' myself a' the time"; and he kept the lathering, plunging devil off himself, whiles with his fists, and whiles with a short stick. "I'll handle him were he twice as big and twice as bad.

And the new piece that all the world will come to see, as soon as she is returned from her wedding tour, is "of a tragic nature." Hamish! Hamish! do you hear these things? Do you know what they mean? Oh, we will have to look sharp if we are to be there in time. Come along, you brave lads! it is not the first time that a Macleod has carried off a bride.

"What other 'very bad' news can be in store for me?" "You have not seen us all," was Hamish's answer. And Mr. Channing, alarmed, now looked inquiringly at him. "It concerns Charles. An an accident has happened to him." Mr. Channing sat down and shaded his eyes. He was a moment or two before he spoke. "One word, Hamish; is he dead?"