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Oh no; he would not do that!" "Very well, Hamish; but it is glad I am that we are going back the way we came." "And me, too, Colin." "And I will not be sorry when I am in Greenock once more." "But you will come with us first of all to Castle Dare, Colin," was the reply.

Tell the men that if they will behave themselves, we can go on as we did before, in peace and friendliness; but I mean to be master in this place. And I will not have a sulky fellow like this Fraser stirring up quarrels. He must pack and be off." "It will not be easy to get another man, Sir Keith," old Hamish ventured to say. "Get Sandy over from the Umpire."

"Yes, as you return, sir; an answer that you will think emanated from our Irish friend. No one ever yet went to Antwerp without giving the fine old town a few hours' inspection. I only wish the chance were offered me! Now, on your way there, you will not be able to get about; but, as you return, you will if all the good has been done you that I anticipate." "Do not be too sanguine, Hamish."

"Will you come to Cator's?" "No, thank you." "Then you are a muff!" retorted Roland, as he went on. It was dusk when they reached the cathedral. "I wonder whether the cloisters are still open!" Arthur exclaimed. "It will not take a minute to ascertain," said Hamish. "If not, we must go round." They found the cloisters still unclosed, and passed in. Gloomy and sombre were they at that evening hour.

The second bell was beginning to chime as the Channings entered the cloister gates. Tom and Charles had gone on before. Panting, breathless, almost knocking down Annabel, came Tod Yorke, terribly afraid of being marked late. "Take care, Tod!" exclaimed Hamish. "Are you running for a wager?" "Don't keep me, Mr. Hamish Channing! Those incapable servants of ours never called us till the bell began.

"If you are willing, Hamish, it will go far to satisfy Allister. And I can come back again if I should find nothing to do." But Shenac's work at home was not all done yet.

Hamish seized Charley by the waist, lifted him up, and let him drop again. "It is what does not concern little boys to know: and I don't see why you should be in here with us, young sir, any more than Annabel." "A presentiment that this would be the ending has been upon me for some time," broke in the gentle voice of Constance. "In my own mind I have kept laying out plans for us all.

The great sails hung limp, without a single flap or quiver in them; the red ensign clung to the jigger-mast; Hamish, though he stood by the tiller, did not even put his hand on that bold and notable representation in wood of the sea-serpent.

Channing to go abroad, and the arrest of Hamish to follow upon it, the post they held, and its emoluments, might be taken from them at once and for ever. "Dr. Lamb says the cost was so trifling as scarcely to be credited," continued Mr. Yorke in a tone of remonstrance. "Arthur, don't you care to help to save him?"

This familiar air reassured Hamish; and then the train stopping at Abbey Wood proved to him that the engine was still under control.