United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I was at Tilliedrum yestreen, meeting Sanders as he got out o' the gaol, and that awfu onding began when we was on the Bellies Braes. We focht our way through it, but not a soul did we meet; and wha would gang out the day that can bide at hame? Ay, but Effie says it's kent in Thrums that Mr. Dishart has run off wi' wi' an Egyptian."

Demi glowered; but the obtuse boy never saw it, and Alice, feeling that this would be a safe vent for sundry unruly emotions, sat down at once, and sang the song which gave her answer better than she could have done: BIDE A WEE 'The puir auld folk at home, ye mind, Are frail and failing sair; And weel I ken they'd miss me, lad, Gin I come hame nae mair.

'Ye're hame suner nor ye intended, said Mrs. Robinson, during tea, which was partaken of without Mr. Robinson, who was 'extra busy' over munitions. 'Was Miss Tod wantin' ye? 'Macgreegor was wantin' her, piped Jimsie. 'So was I. 'Whisht, Jimsie, Jeannie murmured, blushing more than Christina. 'We jist got hame frae Rothesay last nicht, said Mrs.

There's mony ane kens you and praises God. 'God be praised! returned Falconer. 'Why am I wanted at home? ''Deed I wad raither not say, sir. Hey! This last exclamation was addressed to a cab just disappearing down King Street from Whitehall. The driver heard, turned, and in a moment more was by their side. 'Ye had better gang into her an' awa' hame, and lea' the poor lassie to me.

'Nothing, he replied, but drew a sigh that seemed to rend his heart, as he added, 'Poor Kate of Nacogdoches. His eyes were filled with tears, as he continued, 'Her words were prophetic, Colonel," and then he sang in a low voice, that resembled the sweet notes of his own devoted Kate: 'But toom cam' the saddle, all bluidy to see, And hame came the steed, but hame never came he.

And the lady had not the siller if she had pawned her gown; and they applied to the governor o' Stirling castle, and to the major o' the Black Watch; and the governor said it was ower far to the northward, and out of his district; and the major said his men were gane hame to the shearing, and he would not call them out before the victual was got in for all the Cramfeezers in Christendom, let alane the Mearns, for that it would prejudice the country.

The Huns use such planes to bomb unprotected towns and kill women and babies; ours go in for bombing ammunition dumps and trains and railway stations and other places of military importance, although, by now, they may be indulging in reprisals for some of Fritz's murderous raids, as so many folk at hame in Britain have prayed they would.

"And a warm drink tae," put in Marget, "and that's the window I pit the licht in to guide him hame in the dark winter nichts, and mony a time when the sleet played swish on the glass I wes near wishin' " Domsie waved his hand. "But that's dune wi' noo, and he was worth a' the toil and trouble. First in the Humanity and first in the Greek, sweepit the field, Lord preserve us.

Robertson, with an embarrassment she had never seen in him before, and which bewildered her not a little. "Weel, sir, it's an honour done me a great honour, for which I hae to thank ye, I'm sure!" she answered. "Bide ye, mem, till ye hear what it is," rejoined the minister. "We, that is, my wife and mysel, hae a puir lass at hame i' the hoose.

"Never mind, lass, how ye got here, don't ye try tae tell it noo. If ye're warm enough we'll be startin', an' ye can tell the folks at hame all aboot it on the morrow." Little Janie examined Phoebe's boots, and finding them to be dry, insisted upon putting them on and lacing them, and by the time that she had finished the task the sleigh stood at the door.