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"Now, Mr Turnbull," said she, "I wish to hexplain to you that there are certain himproprieties in your behaviour which I cannot put hup with, particularly that hof talking about when you were before the mast." "Well, my dear, is that anything to be ashamed of?" "Yes, Mr Turnbull, that his one halways sinks them ere particulars in fashionable society.

"What can'd be, I wonder?" said Watt; "I think I can smell somethin'." "I halways thought you 'ad somethink of an old dog in you," said Dumsby. "Ay, man!" said the Scot with a leer, "I ken o' war beasts than auld dowgs." "Do you? come let's 'ear wat they are," said the Englishman. "Young puppies," answered the other. "Hurrah! dinner, as I'm a Dutchman," cried Forsyth. This was indeed the case.

'Sieur Frowenfel'? Dat de way de publique halways talk about a hartis's firs' pigshoe. But, I hass you to pardon me, Monsieur Frowenfel', if I 'ave speak a lill too warm." "Then you must forgive me if, in my desire to set you right, I have spoken with too much liberty. I probably should have said only what I first intended to say, that unless you are a person of independent means "

Three times more the fond father, thus goaded, managed, by accident, business accident, to see old Charlie and increase his offer; but in vain. He finally went to him formally. "Eh?" said the deaf and distant relative. "For what you want him, eh? Why you don't stay where you halways be 'appy? Dis is a blame old rat-hole, good for old Injin Charlie, da's all.

"You must halways keep in mind that the henemy is before you. It's important that you should visualise your foe. The henemy is hever before you. Anything be-ind a British soldier won't trouble anybody, and you are to remember that hit's either you or 'im." In moments of rapid action the sergeant major evidently had difficulty with his aspirates.

Rode my bay oss Desperation in the park. Sir John's carridge there in coarse. Miss Hemly lets fall her booky as I pass, and I'm obleged to get hoff and pick it hup, & get splashed up to the his. The gettin on hossback agin is halways the juice & hall.

"In hall them doings about the Fitsjerrals at Carsal Richmon I halways felt the most profound respict for you because you wanted to do the thing as was rite wich was what I halways wanted to myself only coodent becase of the guvnor. 'Let the right un win, guvnor, said I, hover hand hover again; but no, he woodent.

Why HAM I always thinking about that gal? Sasiety is sasiety, it's lors is irresistabl. Has a man of rank I can't marry a serving-made. What would Cinqbar and Ballybunnion say? "P.S. I don't like the way that Cinqbars has of borroing money, & halways making me pay the bill.

I'm try in' to do my best, and hit's 'is biziness to take care hof the rest. Hand 'E 'as so far. I've been a bit 'ungry meself now and then, but the children halways 'ad enough. So I vork and trust and lose no time and strength ha-vorrying. Things'll all come hout right some day; and I've no time to be doin' the Lord's vork bin carryin' the burden hon my shoulders, hif they are broad.

Gosden, "true enough, but you're halways breaking your word. You said you'd bring me a new alarm clock the next time you went to Oxford, and I've never got it yet, and that's months ago." "Never mind," said Mr. Gosden; "it means longer in bed for you. Well," he added to Mary, "I'll come down with you and look at the turnout and see. But I must finish my tea first."