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His hands and arms were hot and clammy, but so thin and wasted! Of his lower limbs the lost use had not returned to him, so that in all his efforts at vehemence he was controlled by his own want of vitality. When he supported himself, half-sitting against the pillows, he was in a continual tremor; and yet, as he boasted, he could still lift his glass steadily to his mouth.

Lord Ronsdale gazed down; half-sitting on the corner of the table, he swung one glossy shoe to and fro. "Perhaps he's hiding his light under a bushel?" said the lady. The nobleman made a sound. "Perhaps!" "I was asking Captain Forsythe about his antecedents. No one here seems to know. Possibly you can enlighten us." "I?" Lord Ronsdale's tone was purring. "Why should I be able to?

She was a tall, handsome girl, from what he could judge of her half-sitting figure in her torn silk dust-cloak, which, although its cape and one sleeve were split into ribbons, had still protected her delicate, well-fitting gown beneath. She was evidently a lady. "What is it? what has happened?" she said faintly, yet with a slight touch of formality in her manner.

Bivens, get your hand in the first day." Bivens lifted himself to a half-sitting posture, glared at his physician and yelled with fury: "Get out all of you and let me alone!" The doctor and Nan left on tip-toe, but Stuart folded his arms and looked at Bivens. "I'd just like to choke you," he quietly said at last. Bivens turned on him with rage. "How dare you speak to me in that manner?"

Curly, a short, thick-set man of enormous strength and round, youngish face, eased himself into a half-sitting position. But before he could answer another man, with iron-gray hair, sat up alertly and eyed their visitor without much friendliness. "More o' the Padre's charity?" he said, in a manner that suggested resentment at the benefit he had no intention of refusing.

With that swift severity with which we always visit rebuke upon the person who happens to present any one of our vices offensively before us, in his own person, I was deeply indignant at his laziness. Perhaps I showed it in my manner, for he rose to a half-sitting attitude, returned my stare apologetically, and made a movement toward knocking the fire from his pipe against the granite.

Again she looked at him with indecision. "Come back to me, Dear," she whispered, "when it is all over. I'm so unhappy today!" Floyd raised his head when Ann bent over him. Agitation and sorrow had so altered her that the change brought him to a half-sitting position. "Flea's sick, I bet!" he burst out, without waiting to be addressed. "Don't try to fool me, Sister Ann."

The man of healing recovered the sick man's feet with the blanket, and rolled the old dressings he had just removed into a bundle ready for the camp-fire outside. "You mean " Steve was lying in his blankets propped into a half-sitting position. A candle, stuck in the neck of a bottle, lit the tent sufficiently for Ian Ross to complete his work.

She was half-sitting, half-lying on a bed of bracken, and around her she could see the supine forms of four other children Prudence and Grizzel, Dick and Jerry all lying in various attitudes of exhaustion and apparently all asleep. Mollie was too lazy to turn her head, but she could see that they were in a wood.

Ben now came to the door to say that all was in readiness the minister, the doctor, and the other gentleman and a lady had arrived. Edward gave his arm to his sister and led her into the room, to which Lester had been carried a few moments before, and where he lay on a luxurious couch, propped up with pillows into a half-sitting posture.