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But the singing was good; the voices strong and clear in tone, no hesitation and no shirking of the melody. It was clear that the singers enjoyed the music for its own sake, with half-shut eyes, as they take dancing, solidly, with deep-drawn breath, sustained and indefatigable. But eleven struck; and the two Christians, my old friend, and Palmy, said we should be late for church.

A gray light slid through the half-shut door and through the long, narrow slits in the walls. From the open floor of the loft there came the sweet, heavy scent of hay. "He'll see the door open. He'll come in. He'll find us here." "He wawn't." But Jim shut the door. "We're saafe enoof. But 'tis naw plaace for yo. Yo'll mook yore lil feet. Staay there where yo are tell I tall yo."

He followed up the attack with an assault from both hands and feet, but soon discovered that he had to deal with an artist. He gathered himself up at the end of half a minute's interview, glared from two half-shut eyes, wiped the blood from his mouth, and inquired what Kettle wanted. "You heard my order. Carry it out." The man nodded, and went away sullenly muttering that his time would come.

A regular dinner or evening party is to him a terror, an impossibility; but there is a quiet parlor where stands a much-worn old sofa, and it is his delight to enter without knocking, and be found lying with half-shut eyes on this friendly couch, while the family life goes on around him without a question. Nobody is to mind him, to tease him with inquiries or salutations.

And have you the sheep all gagged?" she laughed. He gave her that odd look of smoldering eyes behind half-shut lids. "The boys have gone on to finish the drive for you. They started before sun-up this morning. I'm elected to see you back home safely." "But " Her protest died unspoken.

An' Tom is like a big kitten." The beast raised his great catlike face, with its sleepy, half-shut eyes, and looked down upon them. "Shall I call him down?" inquired Dale. For once Bo did not find her voice. "Let us get a little more used to him at a distance," replied Helen, with a little laugh. "If he comes to you, just rub his head an' you'll see how tame he is," said Dale.

"Garces," said Jim, "send the night shift to bed." Garces eyed Jim through half-shut eyes. Jim did not move a muscle. "Why?" asked the Mexican. "Because I shall put them to bed unless they are gone in five minutes." Jim pulled out his watch. In just four minutes, after a shouted order from Garces, the street was cleared of more than half the hombres.

Here the old burgher would sit in perfect silence, puffing his pipe, looking into the fire with half-shut eyes, and thinking of nothing for hours together; the goede vrouw, on the opposite side, would employ herself diligently in spinning yarn or knitting stockings.

There was a noise behind him of other beasts coming up from the flood-line through the thicket, a sound of heavy feet and deep breathing. "Here be more beside ourselves," said Findlayson, his head against the treepole, looking through half-shut eyes, wholly at ease. "Truly," said Peroo, thickly, "and no small ones." "What are they, then? I do not see clearly." "The Gods. Who else? Look!"

I found him, on the night after his arrival, sitting in his old place in the big arm-chair at the head of Annie's lounge; she still clung to some of her old invalid ways, and spent many evenings curled up like a half-shut pink rose on the green damask cushions.