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For these I have pleaded this night as a showman; for these, less haughty than the Frenchman, I stretch my hands towards you without shame; for these I am a beggar." He was silent. The dog quietly took up the hat and approached the Mayor again. The Mayor extracted the half-crown he had previously deposited, and dropped into the hat two golden sovereigns. Who does not guess the rest?

The two travellers were left facing each other, the richer by a penny, and oh wonderful good fortune a whole half-crown. They exchanged such glances as might pass between two actors as the curtain goes down on a successful dramatic performance. "You did that bit fine," said Beale "fine, you did. You been there before, ain't ye?" "No, I never," said Dickie; "'ere's the steever."

"But maybe, Madge, ye wad mind something about it, if I was to gie ye this half-crown?" said Sharpitlaw, taking out the piece of money. "That might gar me laugh, but it couldna gar me mind." "But, Madge," continued Sharpitlaw, "were I to send you to the workhouse in Leith Wynd, and gar Jock Daigleish lay the tawse on your back "

I determined to accept the offer of the Armenian. Once or twice the thought of what I might have to undergo in the translation from certain peculiarities of the Armenian's temper almost unsettled me; but a mechanical diving of my hand into my pocket, and the feeling of the solitary half-crown, confirmed me; after all, this was a life of trial and tribulation, and I had read somewhere or other that there was much merit in patience, so I determined to hold fast in my resolution of accepting the offer of the Armenian.

On the shortest possible notice he arrived, bag and baggage, professing himself charmed with the bachelor's quarters; and, burning with an insatiable desire to behold the rurality of the village, to listen to the beauty and the harmony of the daily choral performances, he took up his abode in the clergyman's establishment; and the very next morning he sent a rural villager over to Shadonake with a half-crown for himself and a note to be given to Miss Miller the very first time she walked or rode out alone.

The achievements of Anglo-Saxon energy present a rich mine of material to the bookmaker. We are justly proud of our self-made men of our Chancellors who have risen from the barber's-shop to the Woolsack, of our low-born inventors who have fought their way to scientific recognition, of our merchant princes who have begun life with a capital of one half-crown.

Lizzie held out a grubby palm with a half-crown in it: "I wants my doll back, if you please, miss." "But you sold it." "I didn't mean to. You took me so sudden." "I gave you ever so much more than it was worth. Why, I don't believe it cost you three ha'pence!" "Tuppence," said Lizzie. "Then you don't know when you're well off. Go away." "'Tisn't that, miss " "What is it, then?"

The old gentleman pulled some money out of his pocket and said, "Give him this half-crown, and thank him for the good sport I've had to-day." But after the coin had been given the giver still remained standing there, thinking, perhaps, that he had not yet sufficiently rewarded the man; and at last, before turning away, he shouted, "Bawcombe, that's not all. You'll get something more by and by."

It was said that he could pitch a ball twice in three times upon a half-crown!" "Oo!" And then from Dimples: "Whose half-crown?" "Well, anybody's half-crown." "Did he get the half-crown?" "No, no; why should he?" "Because he put the ball on it." "The half-crown was kept there always for people to aim at," explained Laddie. "No, no, there never was a half-crown."

He was now rapidly wearing away. Miss Murray, by her liberality, obtained literally the blessing of him that was ready to perish; for though the half-crown could be of very little service to him, he was glad of it for the sake of his wife and children, so soon to be widowed and fatherless.