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It was through them that the Welsh imagination exercised its influence upon the Continent, that it transformed, in the twelfth century, the poetic art of Europe, and realised this miracle, that the creations of a half-conquered race have become the universal feast of imagination for mankind. Few heroes owe less to reality than Arthur.

You have already too many advantages over me, and it would ill accord with your wonted generosity to insult a half-conquered foe." "You are right, my lord," answered I; "jests and recrimination will effect nothing; let us rather proceed at once to consider what is best for the interest of both." "Willingly," replied he.

Sure tidings had come that the King of kings had been driven by revolt in his dominions to embark upon a mighty war with Syria, Greece and Cyprus and other half-conquered countries, in which, doubtless by agreement, the fires of insurrection had suddenly burned up. Also already Peroa's messengers had departed to tell them of what was passing on the Nile.

You have already too many advantages over me, and it would ill accord with your wonted generosity to insult a half-conquered foe." "You are right, my lord," answered I; "jests and recrimination will effect nothing; let us rather proceed at once to consider what is best for the interest of both." "Willingly," replied he.

If we imagine a confederacy of Highland chiefs even a century or two ago give them a nominal king consider their pride and their jealousy see them impatient of authority in one above them, yet despotic to those below quarrelling with each other united only by clanship, never by citizenship; and place them in a half-conquered country, surrounded by hostile neighbours and mutinous slaves we may then form, perhaps, some idea of the state of Sparta previous to the legislation of Lycurgus.

Wales was advancing towards it, in an imperfect sort of way, rather earlier than England; but the Edwardian conquest put the whole idea into abeyance for centuries. So too Ireland: she was half-conquered by the Normans, broken, racked, ruined and crucified, a century before the idea of Nationhood had come into existence, and while centrifugalism was still the one force in Europe.

Most were too far gone to be revived, and died of exhaustion. Some might have recovered, but recovered they would be a danger to the State. The English in the West of Ireland were but a handful in the midst of a sullen, half-conquered population. The ashes of the Desmond rebellion were still smoking, and Dr. Sanders and his Legatine Commission were fresh in immediate memory.

Seeming to be defeated, they took the river, and were as eagerly pursued by Sempro'nius, the consul. No sooner had his army attained the opposite bank, than he perceived himself half-conquered, his men being fatigued with wading up to their arm-pits, and quite benumbed by the intense coldness of the water 5.

He declared that the majority of these disturbers of the peace were not in actual distress, and he made no secret of his opinion that their object was not merely intimidation but plunder. 'I feel, were his words as the autumn advanced, 'as if I was at the head of a provisional government in a half-conquered country.

After a few moments it came again, more faintly than before. One versed in woodcraft would have slunk deeper into the rim of blackness, and listened, and wondered, and watched; for in the sound he would have recognized the wild, half-conquered note of a wounded beast's suffering and agony.