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A few long and anxious minutes, and then the half-closed door was suddenly opened and a man came forth.

I have news from secret sources." Baron von Stinnes, lounging wearily in front of a chess-board, spoke and raised a cup of mocha to his lips. Dorn, picking his way through a German novel, looked up gloomily and nodded. "Anywhere," he agreed. "Munich, Moscow, Peking." In a corner of the room Mathilde was curled on the luxurious hotel divan watching through half-closed eyes the figures of the men.

One night, in his characteristic fashion, he had gone through his roommate's clothes, and found thirty pfennigs in them which he appropriated. The victim of the theft, who was not asleep, watched him calmly through his half-closed eyelids.

And, crossing the chasm which her coquetry had already bridged, he paid her the quick, reckless, boyish compliment she invited a little flowery, perhaps, possibly a trifle stilted, but very Southern; and she shrugged like a spoiled court beauty, nose uptilted, and swept him with a glance from half-closed lids, almost insolent. The sentry in the holly and laurel thicket stared hard at them both.

At the moment Florent entered the studio that work so completely absorbed the attention of the painter that he did not hear the door open any more than did Madame Steno, who was smoking cigarettes, reclining indolently and blissfully upon the divan, her half-closed eyes fixed upon the man she loved. Lincoln only divined another presence by a change in Alba's face. God!

Slowly Belshazzar drained the cup to the dregs, while with half-closed eyes he listened to the uproar, and perhaps sneered to himself behind the chalice, as was his wont. Then he set the vessel down and looked up.

You have made half my plays what they are to-day." He rang and ordered some coffee. She dropped into his desk-chair and propped her chin in her palms, viewing him through half-closed, speculative eyes. "We've had some jolly larks together," he said. "I shall miss you; how much I shall know only when you are gone. Is he good-looking?" "Very.

The wax-lights were dying away in their sockets, the flowers fell unfastened from the garlands, the groups of dancers and courtiers were separating in the salons. Surrounded by his friends, who complimented him and received his flattering remarks in return, the surintendant half-closed his wearied eyes.

His wild mane hung down lumpily, a mere mass of inanimate horsehair; his aggressive ears had collapsed, but as he went swaying slowly across the front of the bridge I noticed an astute gleam in his dreamy, half-closed eye. A trustworthy quartermaster, his glance anxious and his mouth on the broad grin, was easing over the derrick watchfully. I superintended, greatly interested. "So! That will do."

'Cause I got a bit of a cough! disturbs fellers a bit ... last feller said as 'ow 'e couldn't get a bit o' sleep because of it damned rot I call it. 'Owever it isn't out of doors you ought to be sittin', chucky. Feelin' bad?" Peter looked at her out of his half-closed eyes. "I can't bother any more," he said to her sleepily. "They're so cruel they won't let me go to sleep.