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It was Adrian's handsome face which had told her then of the completeness of her triumph. The half-caste valet entered again. "Here come, madame," he said with something very near a smile; for he liked this woman, and his dark, sensual soul would have approved of his master liking her.

Standing respectfully in a corner of the saloon, the half-caste appeared to be occupied in unfolding and spreading out Djalma's sash, light, silky Indian web, the brown ground of which was almost entirely concealed by the exquisite gold and silver embroidery with which it was overlaid. The countenance of the half-caste wore a dark and gloomy expression. He could not deceive himself.

Once Barry Whalen, the most outwardly brusque and apparently frank of them all, had urged Byng to give Krool up, but without avail; and now Barry eyed the half-caste with a resentful determination. He knew that Krool had heard Byng's words, for he was sitting opposite the double doors, and had seen the malicious eyes light up. Instantly, however, that light vanished.

This was at once done, and then, as Maliê and Raymond left the boat and ascended to the deck, Cheyne went ahead with his tow line, and was soon joined by the native craft, and within a quarter of an hour the Esmeralda was moving through the water. The instructions given to the half-caste by the chief and Frewen were to tow the ship to the south-east, with the land on the port hand.

The great Sepoy mutiny, while it something more than doubled the sale of the essay on Warren Hastings, all but trebled the sale of the essay on Lord Clive; but, taking the last twenty years together, there has been little to choose between the pair. My train consisted of thirty-eight persons. I was in one palanquin, and my servant followed in another. He is a half-caste.

Upon this insolent bravado, Mdlle. de Cardoville could not restrain so sudden and visible a pang, that the prince was struck by it. "She is yours," said the half-caste, to him. "Did you see, my lord, how she trembled with jealousy? Only have courage! and she is yours. She will soon prefer you to that handsome young man behind her for it is he whom she has hitherto fancied herself in love with."

Her voice had a husky intonation; her hands and arms, which were bare and of old ivory hue, were laden with barbaric jewelry, much of it tawdry silverware of the bazaars. Clearly she was a half-caste of some kind, probably a Eurasian. I hesitated. The sounds of dragging and tapping had ceased. But the presence of this grotesque Oriental figure only increased my anxiety to pass the doorway.

As Rudyard fell beneath the clubbed rifle he heard the cry, "Baas! Baas!" again, and saw an unkempt figure darting among the rocks. His own pistol brought down the old Boer who had felled Byng, and then he realized who it was had cried out, "Baas!" The last time he had heard that voice was in Park Lane, when Byng, with sjambok, drove a half-caste valet into the street. It was the voice of Krool.

Bidding his men cease pulling, and the natives in the canoes to keep silent for a moment, the burly half-caste hailed. "Ship ahoy!" "Hallo, there!" cried Prewen's well-remembered voice, "we see you. Come round on the port side." "Ay, ay, sir," shouted Manning, and then, unable to restrain himself, he expanded his mighty chest and bawled out

Castro, who was an uneducated half-caste, ruled by corruption and terror; he repudiated all the national obligations, quarrelled with the United States and with every European Power, and disposed of his political opponents by the simple expedient of placing them against a wall with a file of soldiers with loaded rifles in front of them.